Frustration about the cheating of "Splatoon 2" leads to the leaderboard hack


The cheat has varied, but usually revolved around unlimited ink (what you use to attack enemies and claim the territory), ink that suddenly covers large portions of the map , overpowering weapons and invisibility. You're supposed to report cheats through a SplatNet app, but you can not report all types of cheats – and as Splatoon 2 matches can finish very quickly (especially with cheating), people might no time to identify and report each offender. The author argued that Nintendo had even removed the security guarantees of the first Splatoon thus facilitating the prosperity of cheaters.

Although rage against cheaters is not really new, Nintendo is under increasing pressure. do more with the launch of Switch Online in September. If players will pay $ 20 a year for an Internet game that they previously had for free, they will probably want to be badured that Nintendo is doing what it can to provide a fair experience.

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