Game developers fired after talking to fans on Twitter


Two developers for the ArenaNet gaming studio were fired as a result of a clash with online fans. The company produced Guild Wars 2 a multiplayer online role-playing game

Kotaku reports that the two dismissed employees are Jessica Price and Peter Fries. The incident began when Price replied derisively on Twitter to a fan suggesting that the characters in Guild Wars 2 should have more options for dialogue

"Today Being a Checkers Game: Let Me She wrote to Kotaku in an interview that she expressed her frustration at the constant demands of the players and the frequent implicit badism of their criticism of the way they worked. Females.

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The Answer – In Particular, Its Implication That Gender Was Involved – triggered a reaction, including requests for punishment or dismissal Price.According to Kotaku, part of the reaction took place in online places badociated with Gamergate, a cowardly movement that has coordinated several harbadment campaigns nt against women in the gaming industry. Fries would also have been targeted because he allegedly defended Price on Twitter

. On Thursday, ArenaNet seemed to take the side of Price's critics. In an article on the official forum of Guild Wars 2 the CEO of ArenaNet, Mike O. Brien, wrote: "Recently, two of our employees did not respect our standards of communication with the players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they are no longer with the company. "The post has not named Price and Fries, but Kotaku has confirmed their shooting.

Observers of the gambling industry say that the move establishes a number of troubling precedents, including line between the private social media accounts of game developers and their role as employees. Price tells Kotaku that she thinks ArenaNet is at a disadvantage facing its demanding player base.

"The message is very clear, "said Price," Especially for women's business: if Reddit wants to send you back, we will send you back. "

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