Gaza family mourns slain sound, 11: 'Not last child to be killed' | News


On Friday afternoon, as Israeli soldiers from the other side of the fence were firing tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition, Yaser Abu al-Naja and a few friends took cover of a waste container from the front lines of a Protest in the Gaza Strip.

As Yaser briefly peeked out from behind the bin, an explosive bullet hit him in the head. His life was shattered, resulting in a bloody pulp in one side, eye-witnesses said.

Yaser was 11 years old.

on the return of the children and their descendants to return to the homes and lands they were violently expelled from in 1948.

A few hours later, at sundown, Yaser's Samah mother Abu al-Naja was browsing through Facebook on her mobile phone when she came on a photo of an "unidentified boy" with her head blurred and bloodied clothes.

"His face was not showing but I was wearing it," the 30-year-old told Al Jazeera from Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

"My neighbor and one of my daughters were sitting with me," she added. "

For the Samah, the horror of certainty instantly gave way to a sense of shock. As the young mother headed to the European Hospital, where Yaser's body was held, she struggled to wrap her mind around the fact that her first-born child had been shot dead.

"I never expected my son to be killed," she wept. "

'Ray of sunlight'

Yaser was born in 2006," I knew he went every day to expect the protests, but he was driven by curiosity and went to some other protesters with his group of his friends. " One year before the Israeli-Egyptian blockade on the Gaza Strip was imposed.

He grew up through three Israeli offensives which devastated the Hamas-run enclave. His family was destroyed during his lifetime – [in French]

Those who knew Yaser, whose funeral was held on Saturday, The world before

The night before

"He would help take care of his younger siblings," his mother said. "He was very sociable and loved playing with his friends."

The first boy in the family, Yaser's birth was a major source of happiness for his parents and his father's first wife, Naeema.

Naeema had nine girls before she suggests to her husband, Amjad Abu al-Najar, to a married woman in a coveted male heir.

When Yaser was born, the 48-year-old

Relative of the 11-year-old mourn during his funeral in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip [Khalil Hamra/The Associated Press]

"He was always around in my house like a ray of sunlight," Naeema said . "His sisters, my daughters, we were inconsolable at his death."

Naeema said Yaser's killing was personal to get back to his father, who is a leader with Hamas' military wing al-Qbadam Brigades

"The Israelis only understand one language," she said. "Whether it is armed resistance or popular unarmed protests, their response is always to kill."

Samah competed. "A bullet to the head? This was deliberate," she murmured.

Amjad, the face of the father, was a frozen image of shock, despite telling Al Jazeera that it was not different from the other Palestinian children who was targeted by Israeli forces.

"The way he was shot … I can never forget his fragmented skull," he said. "The targeting of civilians by Israeli soldiers is a mbad violation, but they only get bolder with each consecutive Friday protest."

In a statement of Friday, the Israeli army said "riot dispersal means" and "resorted to

Protests at 'national achievement'

Ashraf al-Qidra, the Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesman, told Al Jazeera that the children of the aged were at the Friday protests were between 10-17 years old.

"The number of children wounded is 2,250, including two boxes who had to have their legacies amputated, "he said.

At Friday's Protest, 24-year-old Muhammad al-Hamaydeh from Rafah was also killed. At least 415 were injured, including three children and 11 children.

"In total, 134 Palestinians have been killed since March 30 and 15,200 injured," said al-Qidra.

The idea of ​​a popular, unarmed protest movement in the areas east of the Gaza Strip was conceived by Ahmad Abu Artema, and was enthusiastically received by a majority of people across all walks of life, including the political parties.

Five encampments were set up from the Israel fence along the strip, symbolizing the right of return for many Palestinians in Gaza, where at least 70 percent are refugees whose grandparents were forcibly driven out of lands a few kilometers from the fence

Thousands attended the funeral of Yaser Abu al-Naja on Saturday [Anadolu]

Number of participants has dropped, and Israel has not shown the situation by the loosening of the crippling blockade – let alone lift it altogether.

"I do not measure the success of the protests by the number of people participating, "Abu Artema told Al Jazeera.

" Of course the numbers are lower than when we first started, but the achievement is that this has become a reality, where people think of Fridays as the "

Abu Artema especially after May 14 when 62 people were killed, the number of protesters had decreased. [19659004] "The committee in charge of the organization of protests in the face of the current state of affairs. its famous character, "he said.

Abu Artema said the movement was to be strengthened by" diversifying its popular activities ".

" We need to badess the movement in a way that can resonate with public and global (19659004) "No doubt that," he said, "he said." after 14 Fridays, the protests are a national achievement, and has carved out an unparalleled path of unarmed resistance, "he said.

Not the last child to be killed

For Samah, who still still supports the movement ,

"But the response to death, amputations and serious injuries," she said.

"We have endured mbadive losses, such as the loss of a parent, or the loss of a child. It's a devastating accident. "

" Yazi will not be the last child killed, "Naeema added." Every Friday there is a new story of a child or young woman or young man who has been killed. "

" All of this does not deter to the Israelis, "she said.

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