By Meagan Flynn The Washington Post
Wed., July 25, 2018
Georgia State Rep. Jason Spencer, who attracted nationwide ridiculous after yelling obscenities and dropping his pants on Sacha Baron Cohen's TV show, has submitted his resignation from the House of Representatives, the House of Representatives to the Washington Post early Wednesday.
Spencer's notice of resignation comes after he appeared on July 22 episode of Cohen 's Showtime series, Who Is America? in which Cohen dupes. In Spencer's case, Cohen disguised himself as an "anti-terror expert" and coaxed Spencer into a self-defense clbad to protect against terrorist kidnappings
As part of the "training," Spencer yelled the N-word multiple times while learning how to ward off a kidnapper; offered an offensive portrayal of a "Chinese tourist" while using a selfie-stick to take pictures of a Muslim actor's dress to check for a gun; and, lastly, dropped his pants and chased Cohen by threatening to touch him with his bad, which he was told would "intimidate" terrorists.
"Cohen told him just before Spencer bared his backside
The Outlandish Behavior drew the ire of Georgia Reublican Speaker of the House David Ralston, who had urged Spencer to resign
"This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. that I will be resigning my effective post July 31, 2018, "Spencer wrote in the email, the text of which was provided to The Post.
McMichen said his office has forwarded Spencer's resignation notice to the governor's office.
Spencer said Cohen "Spencer said Cohen"
In a July 23 statement to the post, Spencer said Cohen "self -defence exercises "would be used as a" demonstration video "to teach others the same skills in Israel." He has already claimed in a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he was told the video would be used as an "educational aid "
Spencer claims his fear of attacking stitches from death threats. That law was the subject of Cohen's first prank
"Do you know how to spot the difference between somebody who is a terrorist in a burqa and a normal woman in a burqa?" Cohen asked.
Spencer said he did not 't. Then, at Cohen's instruction, he stuck a selfie stick in the dress of a burqa-clad person provided by Cohen and snapped a picture. There was no gun. "It's not a terrorist," Cohen said.
In another exercise, Cohen badured Spencer that Daesh terrorists are afraid of being touched by other men's bad because they are afraid of becoming "homobaduals." At Cohen's Instruction, Spencer, his bad exposed, proceeded to chase Cohen while yelling, "USA!"
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