Google documents are secure, according to the company, despite reported confidentiality issues in Russia – National


MOSCOW – Google said Thursday that its Google Documents document writing tool was secure as Russian Internet users discovered dozens of files that appeared to be for private use.

The Russian internet company Yandex said in a statement that some users contacted the company on Wednesday to say that its public search engine was yielding what looked like Google Personal Documents files, suggesting that there might have been had a data breach.

READ MORE: Google Docs glitch that locked users raises privacy concerns [19659002] On Wednesday night, Russian social media users began to publish dozens of these documents, including an internal memo. a Russian bank, press summaries and company plans. The veracity of these documents could not be independently confirmed

Google said in a statement that search engines may only display Google documents deliberately made public by its authors or when a user publishes a link to a document. WATCH: That's what Google knows about you – and what it means for your security

"Safeguarding and protecting users' personal data is our number one priority," the company said. I said. "Google Docs is a highly protected tool for working together and it works properly."

He did not elaborate.

Ilya Grabovsky, a spokesman for Yandex, said his search only produced pbadword files He added that the files also appeared in other search engines

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