It's time to admit the truth: I'm in love with Google's Pixel 2 smartphone camera.

Ben Gilbert / Business Insider
Of course, it's easy to fall in love. The Pixel 2 camera regularly produces stunning, vibrant and much better photos than reality.
The building here, for example:
Ben Gilbert / Business Insider
In reality, the building was actually darker than in this photo – the Pixel 2's High-Dynamic Range (HDR) function was lighting up wider than my own eye could see. He also managed to darken the incredibly bright street light and capture the movement of a car past the past.
And all this was during the sunset, when the natural lighting conditions are at their worst.
I've been using Pixel 2 for months now, but spending the last two weeks traveling in Israel with Google's flagship phone has made me realize how much the device Photo of Pixel 2 is incredibly impressive. Let us enter.
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