Google takes another step in the Chinese market with the AI ​​drawing game on WeChat


Google's new mini-game on the Chinese social networking application WeChat has gained tremendous popularity since its first day, giving the US tech giant another foot in a market where its engine business research is prohibited. game, launched on Wednesday, has dominated the WeChat social media platform in its first 24 hours, widely shared by some of the 1 billion users, although the figures are not available.

The game tasks users to draw an object that Google's neural network is trying to recognize, and users earn points when the machine is able to guess. The Google AI neural network is based on the world's largest database of sketches with over 50 million designs, according to a post on Google's official WeChat account on Wednesday.

The game, called Cai Hua Xiao Ge is the first mini-program of the US business launched in the ubiquitous messaging application of China WeChat, which is operated by Tencent Holdings. The game is similar to the Quick Draw based on the Web that Google launched in 2016.

Google invests 550 million US dollars in the Chinese e-commerce giant

The mini-programs allow WeChat to 39 to be the main player in the market. in-one mobile application in China, according to the China Internet Report released this month by South China Morning Post Abacus and 500Startups. At the beginning of 2018, 50 percent of WeChat's monthly active users, or 472 million accounts, used mini-programs, according to the report.

The mini-game move is Google's latest market in the Chinese market. The company was withdrawn in 2010 after its services were banned by the Chinese government. However, in recent years, the US research giant has sought to return to the Chinese market through direct investment and applications.

Google announced last month a $ 550 million investment in, China's second largest e-commerce player. take a stake of less than 1%. will also join Google Shopping, an online merchant advertising platform, where its products will be available to consumers around the world.

In January, Google led an investment of 120 million US dollars in Chushou, a live Chinese mobile. Separately, in January, Google signed a patent license agreement with Tencent to develop future technologies, which could make Google's business easier in China while helping Tencent expand its dominant position on the Chinese mainland, reported Bloomberg. 19659011] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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