Guy Maddin honored at the Gimli Film Festival


Internationally renowned director Guy Maddin of Winnipeg was honored on Saturday night at the Gimli Festival

a 62-year-old filmmaker whose first feature film, Gimli Hospital Tales ] In the community of Interlake, the Alda Award was awarded to him for his outstanding career in the film industry.

Elise Swerhone was also recognized at the festival awards reception and received Jack Clements' The Livin & # 39; The Dream Award. break his career and his contributions to Manitoba cinema. The Manitoba Director's Award for Best Director has been awarded to Shelagh Carter, whose film was screened at this year's Festival

. Erika Ulrich for her cinematographic concept of Palm House (Eternal Youth) . His finished film will premiere at the Gimli Film Festival next year.

Manitoba Film and Music's Manitoba Short Film Award was Run as One directed by Erica Daniels. The ACTRA Manitoba Audience Award for best performance by a male artist went to Alfonso Lora (19459006) Piece of Mind 19459007) and Samantha Cahatol (19459006) Piece of Mind 19459007 for the best interpretation of a female artist

The WFG 48 Hour competition featured several categories. Taylor Brown's Refraction Sector won the Best Film Award. The film also won the award for best director and best actor. The prize for best score went to Alex Petroff's film LOVE with a Ross Budgen score. The prize for best sound went to Sara Bulloch's film Scroll Best Editor went to the film Cease and Desist edited by Ryan Steel, and the best cinematography went to the film ] SHIBA by Tyrone Tolentino

The Gimli Film Festival was completed on Sunday.

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