Here is who sits on the block of expulsion


The twists and betrayals led this season of Big Brother to appear more strategic and aggressive than before. The momentum that Kaitlyn Herman picked up last week continued this week, and another pair is at risk of being deported.

After a successful backdoor plan during week two divided the house and finally dismissed Swaggy C, the week three head of household (HoH) would say not only for the direction of power in the house, but also for the security of the old Herman Herman.

Herman seemed to be safe when the show ended Thursday, showing that Scottie Salton won the HoH power in a quick and live HoH competition. Salton would likely have Tyler Crispen's interest after Crispen used the power of the veto to remove Salton from the nomination block in the second week. That left Herman, who is lined up with Crispen, comfortable even after she made waves in the house.

Salton has named Brett Robinson and Winston Hines for the eviction this week, a pair that has been considered the strongest "bromance" in the house, according to Big Brother Network. It's the second week in a row that the HoH has targeted a strong couple in the house.

Hines reportedly heated up with Salton before the Veto competition and explained that he would win the Veto and make Salton a target in the next week.

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In the end, Salton won the Veto contest, which involves Robinson and Hines will sit on the block Friday Expulsion night, Big Brother Network reported Saturday. Salton has no reason to change his appointments, as the two are far from his loyalties since his astonishing moves last week

See all best photos of the week in these slide shows [19659002] Salton was a shocking vote during last Thursday's expulsion, which returned Swaggy C. Salton voted to expel Swaggy C while wearing a Swaggy C T-shirt with his old alliance, in which Swaggy C said to Julie Chen was the idea of ​​Salton's support.

In the hope of fleeing, Robinson and Hines could aim for a final three alliance with Salton, according to Big Brother Network. The pair has another security opportunity, which is with houseguest Sam Bledsoe. Bledsoe won a Power App at the beginning of the game, which allows him to give a guest a chance to return to the game. The expelled houseguest will compete in a solo competition outside the house in order to regain his place.

If Bledsoe does not use this power during the third week, it will automatically be applied to the evicted person during the fourth week.

This week the Power app was won by Bayleigh Dayton. We do not know what the power is, and the only houseguest that knows its price is Faysal Shafaat. Haleigh Broucher has earned the "Crapp App", which will make him play parts of Hamlet all week, according to Gold Derby.

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