Higgs boson observed decay into pairs of quarks b


Physicists have observed the Higgs boson disintegrating into a pair of b quarks, confirming the predictions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics

The Higgs boson is an essential elementary particle of the Standard Model. It is badociated with the Higgs field, an energetic field that gives its mbad to particles.

Scientists use particle accelerators to crush particles against each other, producing a variety of exotic and subatomic particles. ATLAS is one of the six particle accelerators at CERN's major hadron collision facilities in Switzerland

Simulations suggest that the Higgs boson is expected to disintegrate into about 40 b quarks, but physicists have trouble to observe the decrease. The new results of the ATLAS experiment – presented this week at the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Seoul, South Korea – revealed a decay rate of boson-boson-b-quarks consistent with the predictions of the standard model.

Traditional methods of producing the Higgs boson produce b quarks, making it difficult to distinguish between the by-product of production and disintegration. Scientists have regularly seen the Higgs boson decay into photons, tau-leptons and W and Z bosons, but b quarks have proved difficult to see

ATLAS physicists have continually changed the production process to reduce the number of background interactions.

After many experiments, scientists have succeeded in reducing background noise enough to focus on the b quarks produced by disintegration.

While recent observations are in agreement with the standard model, the new method of lapping "With these observations, a new era of detailed measurements in the Higgs sector opens, through which the standard model will be still questioned, "the researchers wrote.

"Studies of this new disintegration will open a whole new window on the Higgs, and may also provide clues to new physics beyond our current theories," added S.

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