Highlights of the Tavares Press Conference: How and Why He Took Toronto


John Tavares made history by choosing to leave the New York Islanders and sign a $ 77 million, seven-year contract to join the Toronto Maple Leafs while he was older. 27 years old.

Dallas, San Jose's Tampa Bay, Boston, Toronto and the Islanders all traveled to Tavares last week in Los Angeles at CAA Sports' headquarters – he noted that he was impressed by everyone's disappointment. between them and that he was struggling to make a decision. [19659003] Tavares was in Toronto Sunday afternoon and met the media for the first time as a member of the Maple Leafs. Here are some highlights from the Q & A session, from when and why he decided to sign with Toronto, to become the next captain of the team, and more.


As we will see throughout, Tavares fought powerfully with his decision to leave the Islanders. But at the top, he's sure to point to the very promising future of the Leafs and the prospects that are coming forward as a reason why the window to win a Stanley Cup goes beyond the 39, year or two years to come. was quite the process. One of the toughest weeks and, of course, I say that knowing the position that I am and what luck I have to be in this position. It was hard. You have been in a place for so long that you are so entrenched, your roots are so deep in there, and you care so much about the people and people who cared about you.

good opportunity and fit. I thought the timing could not be beat and it certainly came from here, and I think about where this team is and how good and young their players are, and obviously what the players Marlies have done these last few weeks. with a lot more talent and work than they did here, it was just hard to refuse. It was difficult to refuse this opportunity. "

Tavares has often alluded to the attraction of returning home and running the chance to win the Stanley Cup. On social media, he shared a picture of himself asleep wrapped in blankets of the Maple Leafs and told how strong this attraction was today on him.

"When children cheer the Leafs to grow,. Once I went through the interview process, I realized that it was just a child who was watching the Leafs and who was following my favorite players. I just thought the timing was too good and that it was an opportunity I did not want to refuse. I am very lucky to be here and happy to call Maple Leaf. "


Two years ago, Steven Stamkos of Tampa Bay followed this process weighing his options for the free agency. The hometown of Maple Leafs is the only one. One of the teams interested in his services, at that time, Toronto was just out of last place and he was the first overall, but he had not played in the NHL yet.

He said that most of the talk with Stamkos had to do with Tampa Bay, but that it was nice to have a friend who had gone through a similar situation.

he understood what I was going through. Even if the situations are similar, there is certainly a difference and that is probably the reason why I am here today and he was probably feeling different then. Without that he makes that decision, who knows, but maybe that does not become a possibility. It's someone I've known for a long time, who played a lot of minor hockey together, who played a lot against each other, had great experiences with Team Canada, so it was great to chat and chat. know his point of view on things.


When Matthews arrived and the Leafs found an immediate improvement, it was generally badumed that he would be the next captain of the team. team in the future. But with the boy from his hometown who chooses to come here through the free agency, as a former Islanders captain, now many are wondering if the captain was part of the field for bring Tavares to Toronto.

"No, this was never mentioned in our conversations last week.They have clearly expressed their desire to take advantage of my experiences as a captain and what they believe they can use as leadership qualities.As I said, I just try to be myself and bring what I can to the group to contribute and be a part of puzzle. "

GM Kyle Dubas went on to note that, according to his experience, is working well, then No. 91 will not get the" C "right away.


We know how hockey fans have been at the edge of their seats for a week, for any word to indicate how Tavares leaned in vain. , were waiting for any kind of word to be able to move on or skip the field cap agne to celebrate obtaining the best UFA in the history of the NHL.

But from Tavares' point of view? After all, the next few years of his life were at stake and his career would point to a whole new trajectory as he decided to leave the island. So how did you get that decision influenced him? To hear Tavares explain it, everyone really had the opportunity to catch him but eventually he came down to Toronto or New York.

"All the teams I met were great. I took it very seriously, the commitment that these teams came to Los Angeles to introduce me. I did not want to include anyone to waste time. I wanted to be thorough, very honest and very open to everything.

"But once we got into the process and my feelings grew over the next few days, every team did a good job, there was a lot of potential with what could be there But when we came back from LA, I had the impression that my heart was in two places: where I come from and where I have been for a long time, which has helped me to to become the man I am today, my instinct was just tearing apart, my heart was torn apart trying to understand what I wanted to do.

"Yesterday it was a hell of a day. You can ask my fiance just how many times I went to the pool in my house just to try to figure out what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. I just felt that this opportunity was so rare. The timing of this organization, where the team is, is obviously the link between being here. I believe this team has an excellent opportunity and not just for the first few years of my contract, but for me what was important was every seven years. Did I really believe that there was a big window to win and be part of something special?

"And to be here, you begin to feel these emotions and that seemed right to me." From the meeting we had, from my feelings over the few days, then yesterday, I felt good and that was what I wanted to do.

"I knew it was maybe a bit uncomfortable, but I did not want it to detain me to take a chance at a great opportunity. "


In a vacuum, it can be difficult for a player to leave an organization that they have been running since Tavares was with the Islanders because you get to know people, get to grips with expectations and adapt to the culture and plan on the ice.

In Mike Babbad, Toronto has a coach that Tavares knows about Team Canada Babbad was also there for the Toronto match in Los Angeles and Tavares noted that having this relationship with his new coach also played a role in that decision.

"There is definitely a level of comfort with Mike. He was great during the meeting to try to make me feel how I can be part of this team and how I can contribute. And just his energy and vision and work ethic are unmatched. He has achieved results wherever he has been.

"And definitely, yes, you develop a level of comfort and we have had good results the last two times we have been together in the team and contribute and obviously we want to repeat what we did before, it's a process, it's a long journey but it was great to have that relationship before. "

TALKING ABOUT THE RELEASE OF TAVARIAN TEARS TO TEARS [19659004] On his own Twitter account, Tavares left a note to Islanders supporters thanking them

But in case you still think Tavares was still leaving the Islanders, or you feel cheated by the fact that he chose to leave, you must see how Tavares closed his press conference.When he was asked what message he would send to Islanders fans, you can see how that decision really tore him up and how he got agonized about it Tavares al utté to keep it together with its final answer.

"This place means a lot to me – all that I have lived there, the impact that people have had on me, the things we've gone through as a group, the team-mates who went through it.It was a difficult decision because it was really special.It is an excellent organization, a formidable fan base, extremely loyal, extremely pbadionate.
[19659002] "If you've ever played a game with Islanders fans, it's something really unique. I think my posts, I made some statements on Twitter today and I think I tried to put some things that really came from the heart.

"What I want to reiterate, is" Thank you "- the impact you have made on me – I do not know if the words can describe how much I appreciated my time there, the impact that everyone has done on me, and I think the organization is in good hands, there are great people, obviously new faces that will make great things, I believe, and there is talent.You have beautiful pieces and you are obviously leading with the kid who won the Calder Trophy this year.One amazing little kid.I think that's a good thing. future is bright

"I know it was a bittersweet and difficult day for me in recent days, how close I've been to so many people in this organization. But I really believe that they have a bright future ahead of them. "

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