Ice-Cold takes a column of weekly humor plunging into the NHL's trends. Without any particular reason, this week's column will be the first of a seven-week tournament on summer hockey trends
The Ice-Cold Takes Summer Tournament has a long tradition … invented an hour ago. We take the eight hottest summer hockey trends and we fight to death (metaphorically) during the NHL off-season
Before diving into this fun special edition of the column, we have to cover some legitimate news from the NHL. Let's start with the mbadive bomb that fell over the weekend.
The Philadelphia Flyers have signed James van Riemsdyk. Best known as JVR, this kid is one of the NHL's top players and a 30-goal scorer who will turn the Flyers from the third best team in the Metro division into the third best team in the Metro division with maybe to be a better record. You can not put a price on it (Edit: Yes you can – $ 35 million).
Oh, yeah. And this guy from Tavares signed with the Toronto Maple Leafs (more on that later). Here is a glimpse of the conversation between Islanders general manager Lou Lamoriello and his child prodigy Kyle Dubas in Toronto:
We fear every seven years sports media from Toronto. At least, Auston Matthews could stay a little longer now that he will not have to take any responsibility when the Leafs lose again in the playoffs. Remind me of what the Tavares season record looks like? Yeah. He will go perfectly with the Leafs. Now, back to the important things
The Tournament
With only the World Cup and MLB baseball on television, we are seriously missing an exciting competition at this stage of the summer. Fortunately, Ice-Cold Takes will quench this thirst by focusing on hockey-related media format trends to determine an NHL summer champion.
This slight format change will take place over the next seven weeks, where we will work through this slice of summer hockey trends until we have determined the ultimate champion. This is the tournament you do not need which you did not need.
The eight competitors will be revealed each week until the semi-final. We start in the Southeast region with hockey dogs against bad off season signings.
Hockey Dogs
Hockey dogs quickly become a staple around the NHL. Whether it is a team or a test, the best friend of the man (hu) is always welcome to hockey. This good dog is training hard for the upcoming NHL season and stick work is a must if you want to succeed in the league today.
Amazing work! Get this dog some treats right now. This knock-out only rivals that with Brad Marchand and this good dog is sure to make waves for anyone with whom he signs. If nothing else, this cutie is already miles ahead of Alex Burrows both in ability and sympathy (and, hopefully, does not bite).
Speaking of ability, it's clear that Carolina Hurricanes' Jaccob Slavin is the second best athlete family after seeing what her puppy can do off the dock. The more you look at it, the more impressive it looks!
Dogs are ridiculously athletic and sometimes we forget that fact until we see a video like this. If Slavin is still looking for a career change, his dog can certainly compete with those cool dog shows that play on obscure sports channels on Saturday mornings.
Distance: 10/10. Height: 10/10. Of course, she did not quite reach the toy but she did much better than this very intelligent human trying to accomplish a similar feat:
Bad Offseason Signings
The Competition Is Fierce in the first week of the tournament is never short of some bad free agency signatures. While the story of Jack Johnson is sad and wild and we are all happy that he is making money, a $ 16.25 million five – year contract for someone. one of his caliber is not good . Jack Johnson's signature just becomes more depressing, the more I'm looking for an opinion that will try to tell me it's going to be okay. Until now, the argument for: He is friend with Sid. Against: He is bad at hockey, has always been bad at hockey and will always be bad at hockey. #NHL #Penguins
– Andrew Hovekamp (@HovekampA) July 2, 2018
Lou Lamoriello and the New York Islanders continue to gather L this week while They started by replacing John Tavares with Leo Komarov (slight difference of talent here) and continuing by abandoning one of their guardian prospects for nothing in return Matt Martin.
Fellow FanSider David Rouben has perfectly summarized this acquisition of Martin In his article on out-of-season deals between the Leafs and Islanders:
Islanders fans will be happy to have Matt Martin, since this is the only way to get the job done. is a homecoming and that he was briefly linked to the New York Rangers. They had Matt Martin
While we're on the subject, here's an icy catch for you: John Tavares at the Leafs was bad for Toronto. Obviously, it's never bad to sign the best player in the market and one of the best in the league, but when you already annoy your future 20-year-old star, how are you going to handle two players this scale?
During content planning in our weekly editorial meeting @FanSided I said that the purpose of my section #NHL next week is the # Free agency and more particularly the Tavares watch. I told my colleagues that Tavares watching in the NHL is LeBron at the NBA level. They laugh. ?
– Michelle Bruton (@MichelleBruton) June 28, 2018
While Michelle Bruton, editor of FanSided (aka our hockey mom) was referring to the decision of the free agency of Tavares at the time, she in regards to how it will be treated by the media.
Every movement of Tavares will be so thoroughly examined that he will regret playing in his hometown in a month. Toronto will chew and spit out this team every time it loses a regular season game, just as the parade is scheduled whenever it wins one. Sorry, Leafs fans, but your incessant media base is too wild for two stars.
Oh, and if you think the media will be bad, the fans will be ten times worse. Tavares has a bad playoff game and people are going to throw their jersey on the ice, just as they threw a 20-year-old under the bus for losing a hard-fought playoff series to a better team last season. Toronto fans are more delirious than the Toronto media.
I spent Saturday at a music festival in Timmins, Ontario. Not 30 minutes after Tavares signed with Toronto, it was already happening:

Credit: Bruin Belisle (left, of course)
As fun as it is to see bad signatures or to wander with horrible shots on big signatures because you are bitter, the week goes to the hockey dogs. Nobody works so hard in the offseason!
There is not much that our best friend can do and as good as MVP: Most Valuable Primate was, we have not yet received a Air Bud Hockey movie.
Disagree? Well, it's really a shame because all this tournament will be done on the spot. We will meet again next week when the "NHL Player Vacation" will take "golf" in the Northeast Regional Quarterfinal.
Keep your head up.