Hotdog water salesman makes Vancouver Goop well-being at the top


"Extraction experts" deliver free samples of Hotdog Water to people outside the Goop Summit at Stanley Park in Vancouver on Saturday. Hotdog Water is a parody of marketing products focused on healthy lifestyle. This is a concept designed by artist Douglas Bevans, left, as an exercise in critical thinking.

Jason Payne / Postmedia News

A man in hot dog costume attempted to storm the Goop Wellness Summit on Saturday to provide participants with samples of his "restorative" water for hot dogs.

Artist Douglas Bevans said he hoped to spark critical reflection on how companies are using health claims to increase sales, by announcing bottles of his Hot Dog Water (including sausage) Homemade at $ 37.99 in front of the Stanley Park Pavilion, where the first Canadian Goop Summit was held.

The lifestyle brand, led by actress Gwyneth Paltrow, has been criticized for making false health claims about products, including her now infamous jade eggs, supposed to balance hormone levels and increase control of the bladder.

In September, the California company agreed to pay $ 145,000 to settle the unsubstantiated marketing allegations.

The eggs were on sale Saturday in the Goop store (placed under a shelf of crystals that should be cleaned with "sage smoke" or moonlight), although the packaging no longer seems to refer to their dubious benefits for the health.

A spokesperson for Goop confirmed that 200 people had attended the Vancouver Day Summit, the company's first "In Goop Health" event outside of the United States. Tickets for the sold-out event were priced at $ 400.

The media was asked not to film the participants while they were going from a yoga clbad to a makeup tutorial. At least a dozen security officers have ensured that the event remains a "safe space".

An "Extraction Expert" is distributing free samples of hot dog water to people outside the Goop Summit in Stanley Park, Vancouver on Saturday.

Jason Payne /


Bevans' attempts to offer hot dog water samples to several participants on the public sidewalk off the site were mostly rejected.

One woman accused the artist and her friends of using the "harbadment" tactics of the women who were there to do yoga and have fun together.

She also pointed out that participants were able to listen to speakers on various important topics, including the use of "work on breathing" to help treat ailments rather than pharmaceuticals.

"There are much more important things to protest than that," she said before moving away. She did not answer a request for her name.

Bevans said he was not present at the event to make fun of Goop participants, but he was uncomfortable with how the company seemed to "leverage" potential "of the women's empowerment movement to market its products.

The artist was not surprised that Goop chose Vancouver for his first international summit, given the importance of "quacking for a healthy lifestyle" in the city, he said.

In November, Goop returns to Canada for a "special event," with a conversation with one of Goop's leading thinkers. We do not know who will speak. Paltrow was not present at the Vancouver event.

Although Bevans learned that the Goop store was closed for lunch when he attempted to enter the store, he continued to offer samples to pbaders-by.

"Cold and salty," said Rob Cable, when asked to describe the drink. Cable, who did not attend the summit of Goop, tried the water for hot dogs "for fun".

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