Lyme disease or ticks is increasing in almost all US states. Health officials issued a warning alarming the public about the seriousness of the problem. It is more than ever necessary to be alerted to the situation, especially because the number of people inflicted is increasing sharply. More importantly, experts say that there are hidden ways of spreading Lyme disease. Which really means that the public must be aware of all the risks it can run.
The statistics for 2017 show that the numbers have reached a record level during the year. In 2016, about 49,000 cases were reported, which represents a dramatic increase to reach 59,350 in 2017. The facts of the year 2018 show a similar trend, more and more people are victims of the disease. Lyme.
All that being said, let's examine how the condition can secretly spread.
How can you be exposed to Lyme disease?
You can not be exposed to the disease in a unique way. But there are obviously ways to know when you are at risk. For example, most reported cases occur from mid-May to late August. During these months, ticks continue to multiply their population at a rapid pace. It is relevant to know that Lyme disease can be inflicted on a young tick that can bite into the skin and then transmit bacteria.
What you really need to know is that tick carrying Lyme disease can be found in tall grbad. Therefore, you must exercise caution when traveling on uneven playing fields. Plus, the tick likes to attach to the hottest part of the body. This could be your groin area, your armpits or even your scalps.
Obtaining a Lyme disease can cause serious problems for the patient because it can have long-term consequences. The person may experience severe headache, fatigue and joint pain. This is badociated with a rash due to Erythema Migrans that can begin to cover your skin.
Fortunately, there are ways to minimize your risk by avoiding the following habits / practices.
- Be near your pet who spends a lot of time outdoors
- Visit parks in cities and stroll in uncut tallgrbad fields
- When you rake or scratch the leaves (ticks can hide under the leaves to protect themselves from the sun)
- Neighborhoods with mice, squirrels, deer and other potential porters.
- Do not realize what a tick looks like
Some tips for prevention
If you suspect that your neighborhood is populated with ticks, that does not mean you can not do anything about it. Lyme disease can be prevented by first considering all the risk factors mentioned above. Once you have established a checklist of all these activities, apply other essential preventive measures.
- Buy an insect repellent containing permethrin, which works best against ticks. Treat your outfit from your shirt to the boots with the repellent. Try to avoid wearing clothes that have not been treated.
- Do not hesitate to have the whole body checked for ticks or Lyme disease. Consult your doctor as soon as possible if you think you have symptoms.
- Take a shower immediately after visiting a field or area of tall grbad.
- Wash your clothes well once back from the outside.
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