How the created origins of the ASSASSIN have made way for future games


For any frankness, making sure people will come back may be a bit difficult. This is why companies will launch new foods, toys or designs. The game industry has been lucky in this department. As technology has progressed, their games have naturally improved. This is how one can go from 32-bit graphics in games like the original TOMB RAIDER and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG to hyper-realistic characters and backgrounds in THE LAST OF US and ASSASSIN & # 39 CREED ORIGINS

the new technology will not automatically solve all the problems. That's why you can always make sure that a new POKEMON game will come out every time a new Nintendo console will do it. The improvements made to the physical console itself allow for innovative changes in the gameplay of the game. But for games like those in the ASSASSIN & # 39; S CREED series, where the changes made to its main consoles are mostly internal, they can not rely solely on technology. So what's a company like Ubisoft, the creators of ASSASSIN? S CREED, to do?

In 2017, two years after the release of their last game and ten years since the launch of the first game, Ubisoft announced that the series would go back to the very beginning. It's not unusual for franchises to restart. But for the games ASSASSIN & # 39; S CREED, whose gameplay is based on the return in time, the concept is not so unique. And yet, ASSASSIN'S CREED ORIGINS is an amazing game and a new approach to an established series.

With the recent announcement of ASSASSIN'S CREED ODYSSEY at E3, it is important to look at the game that made it possible. This article will address issues with the previous ASSASSIN ™ CREED games, improvements made to the ASSASSIN CREED ORIGINS and what they mean for the future of the franchise.

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The Assbadin's Creed

Take the Creed. | Image: Ubisoft

If you did not know the games or if you did not know the full story of the series, here is a quick overview. The Assbadin's CREED games revolve around a centuries-old battle between the Assbadins, who are fighting for the free will of all, and the Knights Templar, who think that peace has just controlled everyone.

Using a device called "Animus" Travel back in time in search of "pieces of Eden", artifacts that would essentially allow the Templars to conquer the world. Players fought their way through the Third Crusade, the Italian Renaissance, the Colonial Times, Revolutionary France, Imperial China, Victorian England and, more recently, ancient Egypt. Then, in Assbadin's CREED ODYSSEY, players will travel to ancient Greece, continuing the original story started by Assbadin's CREED ORIGINS

The first game launched in 2007. They have been launched each year for eight years. Then, in 2015, Ubisoft announced that they were skipping a year. During this waiting period, 20th Century Fox released a derivative film entitled ASSASSIN'S CREED with Michael Fbadbender and Marrion Cotillard. At the beginning of 2017, rumors suggested a possible restart of the franchise. These rumors were confirmed later this year. And in October 2017, ASSASSIN'S CREED ORIGINS is officially released. Now, more than 20 games released on multiple platforms make up the franchise.

Major Hiccups & Glitches

Although no game is completely free of glitches, the problems of Assbadin's Creed are rather infamous. After the release of each game, players flood the Ubisoft forums to complain about them. Problems such as startup errors, freezes, crashes, incomplete characters and elements make up the majority of complaints.

Although you can qualify Ubisoft's urge to publish admirable games, it's really dissuasive. When ASSASSIN & # 39; S CREED ORIGINS came out, these glitches were even called "inductive nightmares". And if you look at the photos below, would not you agree?

AC: Origins has a weird animal bug and I really hope it is not repaired

– Tom @ Safari Dortmund Area (@ tomphillipsEG) 30 October 2017

Probably one of the main problems of the whole series is its repeatability. Players are fighting against the Templars and preventing them from using the Piece of Eden present in this game. Over the years, Ubisoft has made small changes to the gameplay, such as whistling, squatting and the naval combat. In fact, Kotaku recently made a chart detailing the mechanics of all the major games of Assbadin's CREED. But these details can only take the game up to now. The origins created by Assbadin reverse the stereotypical plot, but I will come back to it later

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The Controversy Over female badbadins

The problems of the series are more than just technical problems. If you followed the series, you might be familiar with this scandal: In 2014, during an interview Polygon with creative director Alex Amancio, Amancio revealed that plans for Assbadins in Assbadin & CREED UNITY were abandoned because of "The reality of production."

This reality included the creation of an additional "8,000 animations" to put a female character in the game. But as this game programmer pointed out Twitter the work would be "a or two days ". This, for obvious reasons, has sparked a lot of controversy among players, forcing Ubisoft to issue a statement. However, if you give it a maximum, it's not really an explanation or an excuse.

When Ubisoft announced the ASSASSIN SYNCAT CREED, they also revealed two main characters, Evie Twins and Jacob Frye. Finally, a murderous woman! Even better, its design is practical and conservative, in keeping with the way women dressed at the time. But if you look closely at his gameplay, most of his story revolves around the men of his life. As Anita Sarkeesian says in his review,

"Jacob is arrogant, pompous and quick to [act] without understanding the consequences while Evie is charismatic, focused, intelligent and forced to clean up the damage of his brother.

As Evie's story unfolds, his missions begin to revolve around the demands of Henry Green

So even though we have this awesome female character, we do not do not really see his full potential as an badbadin. This is a woman who has dedicated her life to the Creed. And yet, towards the end of the game, it is revealed that Evie and Henry are in a relationship. The whole relationship was rather sudden and underdeveloped. While it was a win, it's a conditional win at best.

Hit Again with Assbadin's CREATED ORIGINS

For almost all of the ASSASSIN CREATED ORIGINS, you do not have the impression of playing the game ASSASSIN & # 39 CREED. The controls have changed somewhat, the map has changed, and technically you do not fight the Templars. Instead, Bayek of Siwa is surveying ancient Egypt to avenge his son, murdered by the Templar's predecessor, the Order of the Ancients. When you move through Egypt, you track down the members of the Order and it is only when you reach the top of the totem that the Piece of Eden comes into play. [19659028THEORIGINSCREATEDBYTHEASSASSIN” width=”800″ height=”445″ srcset=” 800w, 453w, 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px” data-recalc-dims=”1″/>

Explore a new world. | Image: Ubisoft

I think that one of the most important parts of Assbadin's Creed Origins is that it does not look like a story from the origin. You can not help but wonder how all these pieces come together because, for most of the game, it looks like they're not doing it. This can of course be confusing for people who expected the familiarity of previous games. But to successfully restart a franchise, I think it's necessary to get away from the way things go.

This makes the payoff at the end of the game all the more satisfying. See how the symbol of the killer has arrived or how they all came to lose their fingers are minor details that do not seem too significant. But these details are the tradition of the game and that's why they are so important.

It is difficult to say what the future holds for us. At the end of the Assbadin's Raw Origins, Aya travels to Rome and establishes the Brotherhood of Assbadins. Unfortunately, the game ends before we can see how the Brotherhood is growing. But that's what the following games serve. In the ODYSSÉE CREE OF THE ASSASSIN, we must go back even further back in time, where the war between the Assbadins and the Templars does not even exist. It is therefore difficult to predict where the series will go

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The Future of Franchise

Play as either Alexios or Kbadandra in Assbadin's CREED ODYSSEY. | Image: Ubisoft

Up to now, Ubisoft has made some significant changes to the gameplay of Assbadin's CREED ODYSSEY. This will be the first fully RPG game, allowing players to interact with the story and make their own decisions. While other games required that players play male and female characters to complete missions, players will choose to play as Alexios or Kbadandra for the entire game.

The story will be exactly the same regardless of the character chosen. ASSASSIN'S CREED ODYSSEY also brings back the naval combat gameplay of ASSASSIN'S CREED BLACK FLAG. If you want to know more about the gameplay, click here. At this point, we can only hope that the ODYSSÉE CREE of ASSASSIN will be spared the major problems of the past games. With all these new elements, we can probably expect the same old problems to occur

But if Ubisoft manages to make all these changes and further develop the Assbadin traditions, that will change the game. ASSASSIN CREED ODYSSEY will probably be the best game of ASSASSIN CREED. And all this will be thanks to the ORIGINS CREATED of ASSASSIN to open the way.

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