Huawei announces that TalkBand B5 portable hybrid in two variants


In addition to announcing the Nova 3 smartphone, Huawei also launched the TalkBand B5, a mix between a fitness tracker, smartwatch and a Bluetooth earpiece. The Huawei TalkBand B5's predecessor, the TalkBand B3, has often been called a "hybrid," which may well be the case with the TalkBand B5, as both devices have the same purpose, in a way. Now, this may seem like a strange mix for those of you who have not seen or used the TalkBand B3, but the premise is actually quite interesting, and it is a useful device if you often use a Bluetooth earpiece. [19659002AudébutleTalkBandB5ressembleàuntracker/smartwatchdefitnessordinairemaisvouspouvezfaireressortirsonécranetsonboîtierautourdeluietunefoisquevouslefaitesvousverrezqu'They'agitessentiellementd'unécouteurBluetoothcoincédansunemontreB:etCetécouteurBluetoothdisposed'unepuceaudiotrip-coreavecvoixhautedéfinitionetdedeuxmicrophonespourunemeilleureréductiondubruitL'appareilprendenchargel'identificationdel'appelantladésactivationdesappelsetl'optiondenumérotationabrégéepourappelerrapidementunepersonnesic'estuneoptiondontvousavezbesoinL'appareilestclbadéIP67poursarésistanceàl'eauetàlapoussièrealorsqu'ilestéquipédesanglesensiliconeencuiretenacierinoxydablede18mmenoptioncequiestvotrepréférenceHuaweiainclussatechnologieTruRelaxàl'intérieurdecetappareiletilbadysevotrevariabilitédelafréquencecardiaquetoutenaccédantàvotreétatdestressL'entraînementrespiratoirepoursedétendreestégalementinclusdanscetappareiltandisquelafonctionTruSleep20deHuaweiutiliselespectredynamiquecouplécardiopulmonaire(CPC)afindesurveillerlastructurecomplètedusommeilycomprisleREM(sommeilprofond)LecardiofréquencemètreHuaweiTruSeen20vousoffre24heuresdesurveillancedelafréquencecardiaquecequiluipermetd'badyservotrefréquencecardiaquebadezprécisément

On top of all, this device includes not counting, calorie counting and distance measurement. The company noted that some of the TalkBand B5 features will require you to use a Huawei or Honor phone with EMUI 4.1+, but the device is compatible with Android devices in general. The Huawei TalkBand B5 features a 1.13-inch AMOLED display (300 x 160) with a 2.5D curved glbad above. The screen of the device is touch-sensitive, and the TalkBand B5 comes with Bluetooth 4.2. Your phone will need to run Android 4.4+ in order to be compatible with the TalkBand B5, and the device comes with a 108mAh battery. The TalkBand B5 measures 58.2 x 23.3 x 12.9 mm, while it weighs 40 grams (without the strap). The device is available in the Sport and Business editions. The TalkBand B5 Sports Edition is available in three different colors, Ash, Black and Brown, while the Business Edition comes with a metal bracelet. The device is currently available for pre-order via Vmall in China, but its price is still unknown, it will be released on July 18th. This device will go on sale in China on July 20, and it will be deployed in more countries in the near future.

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