Huawei's Turbo GPU update turns your phone into a gaming monster


<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-dt-lazy-src = " -review-huawei-logo-720×720.jpg "onerror =" dti_load_error (this) "clbad =" size-large wp-image-1389483 dt-lazy-load dt-lazy-pending "alt =" Andy Boxall / Digital Trends [19659002] Huawei has seen games-oriented phones from Razer and Asus, and has his own ideas about what's going to bring in the next generation of mobile gamers – his smartphones, and for a change, it's not a problem. 39, buy a new model.The games depend on the graphics processing unit (GPU) to work properly, and Huawei has a software update that will increase the GPU's efficiency by 60% and reduce the 30% battery consumption.The cost to you, owner of the phone Huawei? Zero.Great news.

This is called Turbo GPU, and increasing the capacity from the GPU, even the mid-range phones will be able to run complex mobile games at a higher frame rate and with all these HDR + visual effects turned on. Huawei even believes that some Honor phones with simple GPUs will be able to outperform phones with more powerful GPUs. In addition, the Turbo GPU will also support augmented and virtual reality applications in the future, presumably if they are specifically coded for compatible devices.

How does this magic work? Huawei does not give much of its trade secrets; but it uses hardware and software acceleration in the GPU, in the same way that Google has developed the software before activating the Visual Core chip in the Pixel 2. Huawei has long talked about how much he spends in research and development, plus how adjustments inside its EMUI user interface allow Android to run faster for longer. That he has found a way to make the gaming experience better on many phones thanks to the software alone should not be a surprise.

Software Updates

Updating the Turbo GPU is free and makes your phone better to play. there is a disadvantage? No, because Huawei is committed to delivering the software update to a wide range of current phones at once and the sub-brand Honor. In August, the Huawei P20, the P20 Pro, the Mate 10, the Mate 10 Pro and the Mate RS should receive the update of the Turbo GPU. In September, the P20 Lite will join them, with the Mate 9, the Mate 9 Pro, the P10 and the P10 Plus.

The Honor 10 should also see the update arrive in August. In China, a special edition of the Honor 10 called Honor 10 GT has been released with the software already in place. In September, Honor 9, Honor 7X and Honor View 10 are expected to benefit from GPU Turbo software. Other phones for the month of September include Honor 8 Pro, Honor 9 Lite, Huawei Y9, Huawei P Smart and Mate 10.

Software update schedules are known for last-minute changes . approximate. Just because it says August, do not expect it to be August 1st because it could be closer to August 31st. We also expect some future Huawei and Honor phones to have GPU Turbo software installed at the exit. We will keep you informed of the progress of the update here.

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