Hugh Jackman returns to Ryan Reynolds for Savage Troll


It was last week when Hugh Jackman gave X-Men Origins: Wolverine surviving Ryan Reynolds a birthday hug but now that the dead Pool The special day of the star is over, the gloves are back in place.

If you did not follow this fast-paced online drama, Reynolds launched a fake ad campaign during the day that slandered his old friend in an attempt to undermine Jackman's chances of winning the season's success. The front runner to use a false name, to pretend to be a stranger and to increase unemployment by leaving X Men franchise.

It did not take long for Jackman to respond with a video on Twitter putting the "poop" in "Deadpool", as well as a caption accompanying the message: "HIGH ROAD".

HIGHWAY. @VancityReynolds

– Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) November 2, 2018

To return to Reynolds' video, however, and this is not the first time the actor has criticized Jackman online, responding to the Logan the star's recent birthday message with the following sentence:

"This man is a monster. He is not even Australian. He's from Milwaukee.

In case it should be said, Reynolds' insults probably should not be taken seriously, especially as his own dead Pool the movies show a constant fascination for Wolverine.

Although the pair is no longer on the screen since X-Men OriginsLogan and the man who played it were often referenced in the movie Merc with a single independent film of Mouth. Reynolds even expressed the wish to include Jackman in the planned film X-Force flick, although play himself. And since the beginning of the Australian star when the mutant claws seemed about to end, this idea seems to be the best things while remaining true to the meta-humor of Wade.

Right now, it's hard to know exactly what's going on with the future dead Pool derivative film, but if you want to see what Reynolds is talking about in his new video, The front runner is released on November 21st.

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