Impact displaying talent and talent during a series of four-game wins in the MLS


Taider Sapphire of the Impact launches a shot against the Colorado Rapids last week at Saputo Stadium


After the defeat of the Impact 2-0 in Minnesota on May 26, head coach Remi Garde said, "We had opportunities, but he lacked talent, talent and willpower tonight."

Guard a respected those words two days later before training: "Yes, I think we're missing talent. I do not think I should correct what I said after the match.

The defeat against Minnesota United FC dropped the Impact record to 3-10-0 and nine points to sixth and last place in the playoffs. Eastern Conference of MLS. Now, the same Impact team, which lacked talent, talent and willpower, has won four games in a row and is 5-1-0 in its last six games, rising to 8-11-0 and now occupying sixth and last place in the playoffs. 19659004] After defeating the Colorado Rapids at Saputo Stadium (2-1) last Saturday, Garde was asked to change his coaching style a bit during his first season with the team. Impact

. he said. "I think I have not changed too many things, from the beginning to the end, of course, I know the players better, I have adapted a bit – but I have not completely changed the way I'm training, what I say to the players, I do not have any certainty in football … I have principles, and then we work on it.They did not work from that I got here, but I did not get discouraged or did not say I had to change everything Football is everywhere the same The league has some features but it's still 11 against 11. I thought the best way for me to get out of this bad time for the team was to keep doing the work that I had to do. "

When asked for it Guard paused for a few seconds before saying, "They listen a lot what I say before the game now."

The Impact will look for its fifth consecutive win tive when they play at New York City FC Wednesday night at Yankee Stadium (7 pm, TSN, TVA Sports, TSN 690 Radio). NYCFC ranks second in the Eastern Conference with a record of 10-4-4 and is unbeaten at home (8-0-1).

"It's not the staff that was causing the problem," Ken Kenricki, Impact midfielder said before training Tuesday morning at the Nutrilait Center. "I think the mutual understanding of where to go regarding the ball, I think that was the problem.We did not have the same understanding in our defensive principle and I think So that was the problem, not the staff, necessarily … Again, a lot of injuries early in the season, but now everyone is doing well and I look forward to the next game. "

Krolicki adds that the fact that the coach says he lacks talent and talent may have motivated the players to be better.

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