In making his second selection to the Supreme Court, Trump has a model: his first


Judge Kethledge graduated from the University of Michigan and his law school, while another finalist, Judge Barrett, attended Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, and the Notre Lady Law School. She stays in the fray, they said, but her interview with Mr. Trump was brief and his star fainted.

Trump, his badistants said, calls friends for advice while in Bedminster. His chief of staff, John F. Kelly, is with him – remarkable, given the series of reports that he is about to leave the White House. Mr McGahn, the badistants said, Judge Kavanaugh back a bit, telling his colleagues that he would be happy with at least three of the candidates.

The president's advisers rely on him to make a clear choice so that they can begin a promotional campaign his choice – one that is likely to include television commercials, according to one informed person on plans. The White House is preparing briefing packages for Congress on Judge Kavanaugh, Judge Kethledge, Judge Barrett and Judge Hardiman, though it seems to be as hot as last year.

Hardiman J. played a role in the appointment of Judge Gorsuch. A team of cameramen saw him cross his native state, Pennsylvania, just hours before Mr. Trump announced his choice. White House officials planted the idea that it was part of a trick to distract curious journalists, although Judge Hardiman said he was visiting another judge Altoona

Anyway, the White House managed to keep the appointment Gorsuch and when Mr. Trump finally introduced the judge and his wife, Louise, to the White House, he could not resist mocking from his own show.

"So, was it a surprise?" he asked. "Was it?"

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