In the visit of U.K. of Trump, some see 'Infomercial & # 39; for the losing money golf resort


million. Trump, in fact, arrived in Turnberry the day after the British voted in 2016 to leave the European Union, but he talked about his appeal for 15 minutes before answering questions about Brexit at the time. ;a press conference. He also expressed skepticism when asked if the referendum would send shockwaves through the global markets.

"Look, if the pound goes down, they will do more business," Trump said. "When the pound goes down, more people come to Turnberry, frankly."

Although Mr. Trump claimed to have spent at least 200 million pounds, about $ 264 million, on Turnberry to buy and renovate it since 2014 – a figure that has not been verified independently – the course does not have any profit yet.

In fact, Operation Turnberry has lost tens of millions of pounds since its purchase, deposits in Britain show: about £ 17 million in 2016, the last year for which such comprehensive records are available . For 2017, Trump 's government ethics record only reveals the revenue generated by the price – $ 20.4 million – and not the profits made.

This is not the first time that Mr. Trump has been visiting a Trump-owned resort. traveling in his capacity as president. During a 13-day trip to Asia, the president made a 10-minute visit to the Trump International Hotel Waikiki complex.

"The President stopped in front of the Trump Hotel to get to the airport," Sarah Huckabee Sanders White House spokeswoman said in a statement on Monday. ;time. "It was an extremely successful project, and he wanted to say hello and thank you to the employees for their hard work."

An badysis of this trip by the Associated Press showed that Mr. Trump's stopover cost almost $ 141,000, or more than $ 100 a minute. The stop of the president's hotel itself cost the taxpayers $ 1,000.

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