HUDSON, WIS. – After two warrants, a recall attempt and a failed bid, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was rejected Tuesday by voters, tired of his ties to President Donald Trump, cuts in education and antagonism towards the unions.
Walker conceded Wednesday afternoon to Tony Evers, director of the State Education Department, after missing 31,000 votes on 2.6 million votes cast. Although Wisconsin is a broad band of red republicans, it has lost Milwaukee, Madison and the surrounding suburbs for reasons that were discussed and debated Wednesday in this western Wisconsin city.
At St. Croix Tobacco Inc., a predominantly male crowd comes and goes all day, stopping for a cigarette and chatting. On Wednesday, James Palas was on duty and wearing a leather vest over his US Navy corps. T-shirt "Semper Fi", who said he voted for Evers because he had a lot of friends who are teachers, and that Walker "has messed up something he should not have. He really went after them. "
As a manufacturing supervisor, Palas is not a union member himself, but oversees the unionized workers of a Houston-based company. "They need protections," said Palas.
Like others, he also saw a vote against Walker as a vote against Trump, who was campaigning in the state, along with Vice President Mike Pence. Palas said he did not like Trump's division policy.
"I am a retired navy," he said. "I defend all peoples – race, religion, religion, it does not matter to me."
Neil Kraus, chair of the political science department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, said Walker was campaigning and ruling with a style of damned dissidents before Trump did it nationally.
Throughout his tenure and in previous campaigns, Walker has been keen to bring his rural supporters together, with little effort to connect with elective voters in cities and suburbs. As a result, Walker may have lost the suburbs around Milwaukee and Madison who had supported him in previous elections, Kraus said.
Walker was also used to fleeing all those who were not with him, rewarding his followers and avoiding others, Kraus said. This approach was thin even among his allies.
In recent weeks, four former members of the Walker cabinet have spoken against him, Kraus said.
The professor also thinks that the main concerns of voters were the economy and health care. "Despite claims that the economy is good at the national level, it's not very good for many educated people here," he said. "Wage growth is barely above inflation."
And after years of fighting the Affordable Care Act, Walker said last month he supported the law's provision that insurers cover pre-existing conditions. "It was a difficult sell," Kraus said.
At the cigar store, John Nickleby went to his street café, declaring that he had voted for a Republican ticket. "My basic philosophy is that I do not want a government in my life," he said, adding that, according to Walker, "property taxes have not increased in years."
Nickleby also claimed that Walker's attack on teachers caught up with him. "They've been trying to get it for a long time," he said.
At Kozy Korner Pizza in North Hudson, US Army retiree Doug Van Dyke voted for Evers as a supporter of Trump. He said that Walker had done a good job on budget issues, but he had never done much for the army. "I was just not going to vote for him this time," Van Dyke said.
Margot Murphy, who sells real estate, said Walker's actions against the unions remained a "painful subject", but as a tax conservative she had voted for him.
She said she suspects that her bid for the failed presidency in 2016 has cost him home. "People thought her goal was somewhere else," she said.
Julie Hammon, a dental hygienist and union member who was smiling at the results of the election, was loading a box that she had bought into a succession sale located near downtown Hudson. About Walker, she said, "I'm against everything he's against," she said. "I just think people are ready for a change. He's here long enough.
23-year-old bartender Jackson Raley said he did not vote for Evers or Walker. He voted for the Green Party on the ballot because the others were not focused enough on the environment. "We must save the planet," he said. "We need to allocate more funds to this task by developing alternative fuel sources."
Kathy and George Ball, who are retired and moving from Illinois to River Falls, are delighted with Walker's expulsion. "I do not like the way he came across teachers," George Ball said. "We have a lot of teachers in our family.
Back at Kozy Korner, Murphy said she was happy that the campaign season was over. "I hope there is a new tone," she said. "I hope all our politicians hear that we need a new tone."
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