Inbox Games: Will Spider-Man be ahead of God Of War?


I was reading, I think it was last week, that someone was talking about the rare Team Buddies for PS1.

I knew they were saying that they thought no one had heard about it, well I had it too

I loved this game, it was the least PC game and I parodied so many movies, from Terminator 2 to Indiana Jones.

The humor was great and as I said above was totally no PC, including lines from the film Scum (Where's Your Tool)!

But that also brings me to my second point. Why do not we see more games like this? Can not the big developers see that a lot of people want retro games? The reason is that they continue to recycle the same idea again and again another Call of Duty another FIFA, Battlefield, etc.

Old skool games work, as proven with Sonic Mania. We need more clbadic ideas, but with a modern twist, hence the interest of independent developers

We need a change and make the games more fun , including a remake of Team Buddies

GC: Sonic The Hedgehog is one of the most famous games of all time, Team Buddies did not succeed even at the time. His humor is also very British and he has been heavily censored in the United States.

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