Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs attacks the United States on the sanctions of the nuclear program | World | New


The Foreign Minister made such shocking comments at a meeting of Iranian diplomats and businessmen.

He said: "Americans are addicted to punishment but we can show them that they have to give up their addiction." It has become clear to the world "that the United States should abandon sanctions. 19659002] Mr. Zarif commented before the reintroduction of many US sanctions on August 7.

Economic penalties will be reimposed on metals, the movement is in response to Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the United States. Iranian nuclear deal agreed in 2015, alleging that Iran does not fully comply and supports terrorist groups throughout the region. [19659002] The UK, France and Germany all opposed firmly to Trump's decision to withdraw from the arrangement.

Mr. Zarif suggested that Iran could separate the United States from its European allies

He explained: "[19659002] Sunday 10 Republican senators were e sent a joint letter to the United Kingdom, Germany and France saying they were "troubled" by European efforts to evade sanctions against Iran.

"Last week saw a war of words between the United States and Iran with Trump tweeting that Tehran would face" consequences like the few "

He was responding to Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani who said that an American attack on Iran would trigger the "mother of all wars".

million. Zarif reacted to Trump's tweet saying that Iran "has existed for millennia" and has survived many empires.

Due to current tensions and threatened sanctions, the value of the Iranian currency plummeted to a record high of over 100,000 rials. The US dollar.

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