Iran's Foreign Minister Supports US Sanctions


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The latest news on the situation in Iran after the re-imposition of all US sanctions on the country on Monday (all local times):


The Iranian Foreign Ministry has escaped the new imposition of US sanctions on Iran, saying it is nothing new and that the country has been subjected to a wider range of sanctions in the past.

Ministry spokesman Baharam Ghasemi said the Iranians "have been subject to heavier penalties" and that "they are not a new problem".

He also described as "barren" the sanctions that came into effect on Monday as part of American propaganda and the psychological war against Iran.

He said the sanctions would turn against the United States and that "many countries from Europe to Russia and China have opposed these sanctions".

The sanctions put an end to all the economic benefits that the US has given to Tehran for its 2015 nuclear deal with the world powers, and in particular targets Iran's vital oil sector.


The Israeli Defense Minister welcomes the recently reinstated US sanctions against Iran, saying they would "critically strike" Iran's military presence around the Middle East.

Avigdor Lieberman said in a tweet on Monday that the Trump government's decision to reinstate the sanctions "is the radical change that the Middle East has been waiting for since."

Israel is a fierce opponent of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which the United States withdrew this year, saying the deal did not hinder Iran's regional military activities.

New sanctions against Iran's shipping, finance and energy sectors will come into effect on Monday. The United States baderts that the sanctions are not aimed at overthrowing the government, but at persuading it to radically change its policies, including supporting regional militant groups and developing long-range ballistic missiles.


Iran hailed the re-imposition of US sanctions with air defense drills and President Hbadan Rouhani's recognition that the country is facing a "war situation".

The evolving situation is creating tension in the Middle East as the US maximalist approach to the Islamic Republic is needed.

The sanctions put an end to all the economic benefits that America has granted to Tehran for its nuclear deal with the world powers in 2015, although Iran continues to respect the agreement that limited enrichment of uranium. While for the moment did not threaten to resume a greater enrichment, Iranian officials have held a threatening message in recent months, which could resume anytime sooner than before.

The new US sanctions have particularly harmed the Iranian oil sector, an essential source of hard currency for its anemic economy. Its national currency has fallen over the past year, driving up prices, from cell phones to soaring drugs.

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