Israel intercepts Flotilla boats off the Gaza coast


The Israeli Navy once again intercepted the ship of the flotilla Al Awda after disobeying the commands to stop sailing to the Gaza Strip, facing siege for several years . According to the Jerusalem Post, "The Freedom Flotilla Coalition calls on the Norwegian government, the national governments of those on board Al Awda and Freedom [Flotilla] of other national governments and relevant international organizations to act immediately , "Torstein Dahle of Ship to Gaza Norway, member of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition

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  Israel intercepts the ships of Flotilla The Gaza Coast He added: "The international community must badume its responsibilities and demand that the Israeli authorities ensure the safety of the people on board, the prompt delivery of our gifts to the Palestinians in Gaza, at the end of the day. Illegal blockade of Gaza and ceasing to impede our legal right of innocent pbadage to Gaza to deliver our gift of indispensable medical supplies. "

#FreedomFlotilla ship carrying medical supplies for #Gaza hijacked by Israeli forces. Please contact your governments and ask #FreePbadage #FreedomOfMovement for #AlAwda with his cargo of solidarity and hope for a just future for #Palestine https: // #CountdowntoGaza

– Flotilla of Freedom (@GazaFFlotilla) July 29, 2018

Monday morning, The official handle of @GazaFFlotilla posted the following message:

Israeli forces attack #FreedomFlotilla near the shore of Gaza / Hl2bnR2kQa [19659002] – Flotilla of Freedom (@GazaFFlotilla) July 30, 2018

Earlier they tweeted

. @rogerwaters # SOSjustfuture4Palestine Thank you for your support of #FreedomFlotilla to #Gaza . Today, communications have been cut off from our main ship "Al Awda" (The Return) and the boat has been attacked in international waters and diverted. Take action here:

– Freedom Flotilla (@GazaFFlotilla) 29 July 2018

The ship, carrying According to activists , the Israeli navy intercepted Al Awda ("Return") within 60 nautical miles of the coastal enclave blocked.

The former fishing boat sailed under the Norwegian flag and took off from Italy with 22 activists aboard, including Israeli activist Yonatan Shapira

Read more: India supports Sovereign and Independent Palestine [19659002] Other activists came from other countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. is to lift the blockade on Gaza. When a civilian group is fighting a bigger body like a state, it needs to develop creative ideas to succeed, and I'd be happy to hear such people's ideas. "

After Al Awda was a Swedish flag yacht called Freedom Italy, with 36 militants from 15 different countries, said Zaher Birawi, head of the International Committee to break the siege of Gaza based in London.

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Birawi also heads the "International Coordinating Committee for the Great Return March. "He was appointed by the Israeli Ministry of Justice in 2013 as a member to call a terrorist organization, the Hamas headquarters in Europe

The two ships took about two months to reach the Gaza coast, after leaving Scandinavia and being stopped in several port cities of Europe

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They are part of the Freedom Flotilla, made up of several boats with pro-Palestinian militants who regularly try to break the blockade around Gaza. By Hamas, a pro-Iranian resistance group.

During the last four years of the Flotilla campaign, the Israeli Navy stopped most boats several kilometers from the Gaza coast and towed them to the port of Ashdod. interrogated and expelled from Israel

In 2010, Israel attacked six civilian ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" in the international waters of the Mediterranean, killing nine activists. Three of the six ships in the flotilla, organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Humanitarian Liberties, carried humanitarian aid and construction materials for the purpose to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip

blockade; One year after Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip in 2005, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006. However, the first democratically-Palestinian government was not recognized. by the United States and Israel.

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