During a trip in which Donald Trump stunned his allies and habitual critics of the Democratic Party with comments about the European Union and British leaders, the US president concluded with a conference of press at its first face-to-face summit with Russia. President Vladimir Putin who even had Republicans shaking their heads.
Democrats had called Trump to end the meeting in Finland and not give Putin 's legitimacy in the wake of the announcement of new indictments in the Special Council' s investigation. When asked directly on Monday when he holds Russia for "responsible for anything," Trump says he holds "both countries accountable," echoing the language used after the end of hostilities. year when white nationalists rallied in Virginia.
"I think the US was stupid, I think we were all idiots, we" We had this dialogue a long time ago, "said Trump, who has already met twice with Putin at
. Comments have prompted Nebraska Senator Ben Sbade, a Republican, to issue a "weird and false" statement
Trump again badailed Mueller's investigation, calling it a "disaster for" Mark Warner, the Democratic prime minister at Senate Intelligence Committee, said it was a "shame" that Trump appeared to side with Putin at the expense of his own country. "intelligence agencies." For Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, it was something that we did not see "in the whole history of our country. "
Putin on his own intelligence officials and blaming the United States for Russia's attack on our democracy is a complete shame.
When he was asked to clear himself when he would challenge Putin about the interference of Russia, Trump avoided the issue and turned to concerns that he had about the investigation of the use of a private messaging server by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state. election results in which he won the constituency in key states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by a total of 77,000 votes, losing the popular vote of some three million.
John Brennan, former director of the CIA voca During the history of our country, Americans have never seen a US president support an American adversary like @realDonaldTrump [19659011] – @SenSchumer
Brennan, in a subsequent television interview with MSNBC, also said, "That, I think, goes to the point that good American patriots resign to oppose at this performance, "referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Chief of Staff John Kelly and National Security Advisor John Bolton
This list could also include Dan Coats, the Director of national information, which has continually sounded the alarm that Russia will seem to interfere with the mid-term elections of the United States in 2018.
Donald Trump's press conference in Helsinki goes beyond the threshold of "high crimes and offenses". It was nothing less than betrayal. Not only were Trump's comments foolish, but he is entirely in Putin's pocket. Republican Patriots: Where are you ???
Coats was mentioned by Trump at the Helsinki press conference and then basically rejected.
"My director of national intelligence says that it was Russia that interfered, Putin told me no, I see no reason for that," Trump said.
What was striking about the quick response to Monday's commentary of Trump was the disappointment and even contempt of the Republican side of the alley.
& # 39; I'm done with it & # 39;
Joe Walsh, a self-styled conservative Tea Party conservative who served a term earlier this decade as a US congressman, said on social media, "I'm done with him." He implored other Republicans to express themselves in a later Twitter post
This press conference is an absolute shame. Trump will not even be on the side of America.
What Trump did today is to commit treason. It can not be supported anymore. He is a clear and present danger for America. Republicans can not be calm anymore.
I will not shut up. I'm done with him
Senators Jeff Flake and, to a lesser extent, Lindsey Graham, are part of a small group of Republicans in Congress who have sometimes criticized Trump's perceived misjudgements since his inauguration last year
Arizona Flake, who felt free to say what he's been thinking since he's been there. He did not run for another term, judging Trump's comments on Monday "shameful", with Graham of South Carolina admitting that perceived as "a sign of weakness".
I would never have thought of seeing the day when our American president would stage with the Russian president and blame the United States for the Russian aggression. It's a shame.
President Trump missed the opportunity to hold Russia accountable for the 2016 interference and to issue a strong warning regarding the upcoming elections.
This response by President Trump will be considered by Russia as a sign of weakness and will create many more problems than it solves. (1/3)
The press conference today #Helsinki was one of the most shameful representations of an American president in memory.
on #HelsinkiSummit : https://t.co/lApjctZyZl
Trump's most consistent critic in the upper chamber was the comrade of Flake, Arizonan John McCain, who last year, the President tried to get rid of the Affordable Health Care Act, known as the Obamacare
"No previous president did s & # 39; Is never lowered more abject in front of a bully, "said McCain in a statement. "There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most fundamental values and ideals," said Ryan Ryan in a statement. "The United States must focus on Russia's responsibility and put an end to its vile attacks on democracy."
Trump sometimes received a completely laudable coverage of Fox News after great moments on the world stage, but he did not win total pbadage on the right network. Fox News presenter Bret Baier calls the conference "surrealist," while Neil Cavuto, Fox Business veteran, said the president's inability to take a stand on the consequences of cyberattacks against the United States "was disgusting."
a thing left or right, it's just wrong, "said Cavuto, who was incredulous Trump did not even offer" a slight criticism "of the Russian leader.
No negotiation is worth the worth throwing your own people and country under the bus.
Fox Business's Neil Cavuto calls Trump's press conference "disgusting", "It puts us back a lot" Abby Huntsman, another Fox personality on the air, said that "no negotiation is worth throwing his people and his country under the bus."
Huntsman, it should be noted, is the daughter of Trump's ambbadador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, who was in the hall on Monday in Helsinki.
Before the summit, Trump said that he would put pressure on Putin on the issue of Russian interference in the election, but he did not expect that a "Perry Mason" would occur. [19659040MelaniaTrumpandUSSecretaryofStateMikePompeoobserveduringthepressconferenceinHelsinkiFormerCIAdirectorJohnBrennansaidseniorofficialslikePompeoshouldreallyconsidercontinuingtoservethepresident (Kevin Lamarque / Reuters)
Trump's reluctance to attack the president Russian with his allies. Like British Theresa May, German Angela Merkel and Canadian Justin Trudeau, some have criticized the fact that former KGB and FSB intelligence agent Putin has compromising information about the president [19659002Putinbadertedthattheseclaimswere"absurd"19659002] "Do you really believe that we are trying to shade every businessman?" he said.