Jesse Simpson Sentenced to 7 Years Imprisonment for Attacking a Baseball Bat


Kamloops resident Kristopher Teichrieb was sentenced to seven years in prison for a violent baseball bat attack on Jessie Simpson, 18, who was walking in her yard in June 2016.

BEFORE CHRIST. Dev Dley, a Supreme Court justice, delivered his judgment Tuesday afternoon, the same day, Teichrieb pleaded guilty to a charge of aggravated badault.

"It was an unprovoked attack that caused permanent injury to the victim, Jessie Simpson," said Crown Attorney Wendy Stephen.

"[Teichrieb] was sentenced today to seven years in jail, which is an important sentence, but, of course, it will never bring Jessie back to the state in which he was before. "

Stephen read a statement of facts on which the Crown Attorney and Teichrieb's lawyer agreed.

Crime escalation in the neighborhood

In the weeks and months leading up to the attack, Teichrieb felt that there was an increase in property crime and violence in his neighborhood.

Teichrieb has called 911 several times about suspicious activity. In one of the appeals, he told the RCMP that he had chased someone from his backyard.

In another call, he told the police that he had surprised a person trying to get into his van and had declared that he had it ". chased away and gave him some smells ".

In the summer of 2016, Teichrieb met a man dressed only in an undergarment walking down his street. He told a police officer that he was ready to take action in case of further incident.

& # 39; I have it & # 39;

On June 19, 2016, Jessie Simpson roamed the Teichrieb Garden around 4 am, after leaving a graduation party. Teichrieb came out with an aluminum baseball bat and confronted Simpson. The two men fought and Simpson escaped to another yard at about 89 to 90 meters.

Teichrieb pursued and attacked him.

"Mr. Teichrieb hit Mr. Simpson with the baseball bat, his fists and his feet," Stephen said.

"Mr. Simpson was bleeding profusely and lying on the lawn."

A neighbor who called 911 reported that Teichrieb had dragged Simpson into the street, had gone away then had come back and kicked Simpson in the head.

When the RCMP officers arrived, Teichrieb stood in front of Simpson and told the agents, "I got it."

The police found no evidence that Simpson was attempting to break into Teichrieb's home. Teichrieb was arrested and charged with attempted murder.

"Catastrophic and devastating injuries"

Simpson was taken to the hospital where doctors determined that he was suffering from a severe skull fracture and significant swelling of the brain.

He had many fractures in his face and blood was flowing from his left ear. He underwent emergency brain surgery and remained in a coma for several months.

Simpson finally left the hospital in April 2018 and was placed in a long-term care facility.

"He suffered catastrophic and devastating injuries," said Stephen.

"He can not walk, he has little movement, he is blind in one eye and he has suffered irreversible brain damage."

At the hearing, Stephen read a statement from the victim written by Susana Simpson, Jessie's mother.

"It was the worst nightmare of all parents." she says. "I will never see my Jessie walk out the door and give me a big hug, it's unimaginable and unforgivable."

Teichrieb apologized to the court and said that he will have to live with what he has done for the rest of his days.

Judge Dley described the attack as Teichrieb's "senseless and irrational reaction."

Teichrieb got a credit for the time he spent in detention. He will now serve less than two-and-a-half years in federal prison to complete his seven-year sentence.

With records from Courtney Dickson

More information from CBC British Columbia

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