Judge George Wei resigns from the bench of the Supreme Court


SINGAPORE: Judge George Wei will leave the Supreme Court on August 1, 2018, the Supreme Court announced in a press release on Tuesday, July 17.

President Halimah Yacob has accepted his resignation, said release

Judge Wei joined the Supreme Court as a judicial commissioner on August 1, 2013 and was appointed judge in 2015. Before that In highlighting the contributions of Judge Wei, the Supreme Court stated: "As the Senior Judge for Intellectual Property (IP), Judge Wei has contributed immensely to the chairmanship of the Dispute Settlement Framework Committee. intellectual property, which made recommendations to the government on how to improve access to the IP dispute settlement system, particularly for the less endowed parties. "

The Court Supreme added that Judge Wei also "significantly contributed" to several other areas of jurisprudence outside of intellectual property law, including "important decisions" on the dr oit work.

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