Justin Trudeau announces funding to build a nuclear medicine hub in Vancouver


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada's National Particle Accelerator.

Trudeau made the announcement after meeting and touring the site, which is a joint venture of a consortium of universities and is based in Vancouver.

He says the Institute for Advanced Medical Isotopes will provide a first-of-its-kind facility in Canada.

The new 2,500-square-meter building will be a particle accelerator, research facilities and laboratories.

Trudeau says it will help Canada is a leader in medical isotope research.

Medical isotopes are safe radioactive substances used to diagnose and treat conditions of the heart, circulatory system and organs, allowing scientists to see what is happening in the body in a non-invasive way.

The new facility is valued at $ 50 million and is also supported by the British Columbia government, the BC Cancer Foundation, the University of British Columbia and philanthropic funding.

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