Keri Russell to join the cast of Star Wars Episode IX?


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Posted: July 7, 2018 1:38:06 pm

  Keri Russell joins the cast of Star Wars Keri Russell featured in Star Wars Episode IX.

Star Wars Episode IX looks at Keri Russell. Sources say Variety, the 42-year-old actor can join the direction of JJ Abrams, which he also writes. The role calls for fierce battle scenes. Russell has already starred in projects like The Americans, Mission Impossible and Dawn of FX's Planet of the Apes

The actor-director duo already worked together in 2006 in Mission Impossible. They have a long history of collaborating for the first time in WB drama series, Felicity all the way back in 1998.

Speculation has already begun on what character Russell could play. Asked about the similarity between Daisy Ridley Rey's character and the actress's hair color, fans think that both could be related.

Abrams and Lucasfilm met with several potential actors for the role over the past two months and decided that Russell was the right choice before the July 4th vacation.

The director is expected to launch two more actors by the time the film starts shooting at the end of the month. Knowing the secret nature of Abrams about his films, these castings could remain hidden from public view until the film's release.

Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are expected to return in the next part of the franchise

. It is said that this is Ridley's latest film of the franchise. She had said earlier, "I'm really, really excited to do the third thing and complete it, because in the end, what I was signing was three movies." She continued, "So in my head, these are three movies. I think it will be a good time to complete it. "

It's the return of Abrams as a director – he directed Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) and was invited back to direct the latest opus after Colin Trevorrow came out more to creative differences

The film will be released on December 20, 2019.

(With contributions from IANS)

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