Kim Dotcom may be extradited to the US and New Zealand Courts of Appeal | Technology


The New Zealand Court of Appeal ruled that internet entrepreneur and founder of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, could be extradited to the United States to face charges of racketeering and law criminal. 2017: extradition could take place

The six-year legal saga is widely seen as a test to find out where the United States can globally reach to enforce the intellectual property rights of US firms [19659003]. Co-defendants Megaupload executives have cost film studios and record companies more than $ 500 million and have generated more than $ 175 million by encouraging paying users to store and share copyright-protected content. 39; author. the case that the appellants conspired and violated the copyright voluntarily and on a large scale, for their commercial benefit.

"An extradition hearing is a lawsuit." The court said in its judgment that Dotcom's lawyer, Ira Rothken, told Reuters by email that his client would appeal the decision in the country, the highest court, the Supreme Court

"We look forward to requesting a review at the Supreme Court of New Zealand. Dotcom's lawyers have argued in previous court cases that the copyright infringement was not a criminal offense in New Zealand and that there was insufficient evidence that Dotcom and other leaders of Megaupload conspired for

Originally from New Zealand, Dotcom is known for his lavish lifestyle as well as his computer skills.

He was posing photos of himself with cars and vanity registration plates as "GOD" and "GUILTY", firing an badault rifle and flying around the world in his private jet .

Dozens of black-robed police officers stormed Dotcom's mansion in 2012, taking him out of a safe room and confiscating millions of dollars. money and property, including a fleet of luxury cars, computers and works of art.

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