Latest news: resignation from his post of Attorney General


WASHINGTON – Latest news on President Donald Trump and mid-term elections (local time):

2:45 p.m.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned as law enforcement officer at the request of President Donald Trump.

The sessions announced plans to resign in a letter to the White House on Wednesday.

Trump announced in a tweet that Sessions' chief of staff, Matt Whitaker, would become the new Acting Attorney General.

The Attorney General had endured more than a year of scathing criticism and personal criticism from Trump over his challenge after the investigation into a possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Trump criticized the decision for opening the door to the appointment of special advocate Robert Mueller, who resumed the investigation of Russia and began to examine whether the fact that Trump was monitoring the sessions was part of the a more general effort to obstruct justice.

1:20 p.m.

President Donald Trump said the meeting of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY'-ohz) with his North Korean counterpart had been postponed to a later date but was being postponed.

Pompeo was due to meet Kim Yong Chol in New York on Thursday.

Trump said he would likely meet with the North Korean leader early next year and that it was "not urgent" to engage in denuclearization talks with Pyongyang.

Trump met with Kim Jong Un in June for a historic meeting in Singapore, where the two leaders agreed on vague denuclearization goals. There has been little progress since then.

North Korea has spent a year in arms testing, but wants US sanctions eased. In recent days, North Korea has criticized the United States for its continued support of sanctions and hinted that it could resume the development of nuclear power.

Trump said he "would love to lift the sanctions," but North Korea must also make concessions.

1:10 p.m.

President Donald Trump said he would consider raising other tax rates to fund a tax cut for the middle clbad.

Trump told a news conference on Wednesday that if the Democrats offered some idea of ​​tax cuts, he would work with them, even if it would require "an adjustment" at other rates.

The President did not specify the changes that could be made to the rates, but he said, "I would be ready to do a little bit". He said the Democrats should come up with a plan, knowing that he would need bipartisan support in the Senate.

Trump said during the mid-term campaign that he would propose a 10% reduction plan for the average income tax. But he did not provide any details. Republicans adopted a mbadive tax cut last year.


President Donald Trump said that Vice President Mike Pence would be his vice presidential candidate in 2020, an impromptu confirmation that could give print makers a head start on the print political signs for the next presidential election.

In the middle of a press conference at the White House on Wednesday, the Republican President was unexpectedly asked to indicate if Pence would be on the list.

Trump said that he had not yet asked Pence, but then turned to the vice president and said, "Mike, will you be my candidate for the vice presidency? Will you? "

Pence acknowledged that he would do it.


President Donald Trump spoke with reporters at his press conference after the election, ordering several to sit down and telling another that he is "rude, terrible."

He told another reporter that he "was not a fan either".

The president's mood deteriorated on Wednesday after reporters explained to him why he was referring to the fact that a "migrant caravan" is traveling to the United States across Mexico as an "invasion". ". Trump stepped up his anti-immigrant speech against the caravan in the final days of the mid-term elections.

Trump also insisted on why his campaign aired an advertisement starring a Mexican immigrant found guilty of killing US police and linking his actions to the caravan.

Several TV stations fired the ad after broadcasting it or refused to broadcast it.


President Donald Trump says he is satisfied with most of his cabinet because he suggests that changes are coming.

Trump said at a press conference on Wednesday that he "was looking for different people for different positions," adding that "it's very common after the semester".

Asked specifically about the future of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mr. Trump responded, "I would prefer to answer that question at a slightly different time."

Trump has long been frustrated by the sessions on his challenge to the investigation of Russia. Rosenstein's future appeared uncertain after reports that he had discussed Trump's secret registration.

About Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke (ZIN'-kee), Trump says he wants to "study everything that is said". Trump adds that he is doing an "excellent job". Zinke faces a series of investigations into his conduct.


President Donald Trump warns House Democrats that he must spend the last years of his presidency investigating him and the administration.

Trump told a press conference held after the elections on Wednesday that Democrats and Republicans should set aside partisanship to work together for the American people.

Democrats have regained control of the House. Many have threatened to use the power of summons that they will get in January to investigate the actions of Trump and the administration.

Trump said he has heard about investigations since the beginning of his run for president. He speaks of "fatigue of investigations".

He says that he will respond in the same way if Democrats in the House flood his government with subpoena and the government would stop.

Trump adds that Democrats have "nothing, zero" on him.


President Donald Trump calls Republican candidates who apparently did not support him enough and lost seats in Congress in Tuesday's elections.

At a press conference held Wednesday in the White House clean room, Trump claimed that Republicans controlled the Senate and then targeted members of the House, where the GOP had lost.

Rep. Mike Coffman in Colorado blames resentment on Trump in his Denver area district. The president replied, "Too bad, Mike."

Trump says the representative of Utah. Mia Love "did not give me love, and she lost" even though the race was too close to be followed.

Trump says his vigorous campaign has halted a so-called "blue wave", "if there was such a thing".

The GOP should add to the advantage of the Senate, but Democrats have regained control of the House.


President Donald Trump said Republicans were "defying history" mid-term as he sought to recognize the Republicans' expected gains in the Senate while minimizing losses in the House.

Trump discussed election results at a press conference at the White House on Wednesday. He says Republicans "have outperformed historical precedents."

The GOP should add to the advantage of the Senate, but Democrats have regained control of the House. The mixed verdict in the first national election of Trump's presidency showed the limits of his uncompromising rhetoric about immigration in the current political landscape.

Mid-term losses are typical of the White House party. Trump highlighted the expectations of Republican MPs in the Senate and said the GOP exceeded expectations in the House, citing the high number of retirements.


President Donald Trump said that Democrat Nancy Pelosi "deserved" to be the next Speaker of the House.

The Democrats regained control of the chamber in Tuesday's election and Pelosi would be on the right track to be elected president. The California Democrat was the first woman president of the country from 2007 to 2011. But a number of Democratic House candidates said they would not support her for the lead role.

Trump said on Wednesday that "if they give her a hard time, we may add some Republican voices – she has earned this great honor!

House Democrats meet later this month to elect party leaders and Pelosi is expected to win most of these votes. But being elected president in January requires the majority of the House.

Pelosi was clear about not wanting to sue Trump.


President Donald Trump warns Democrats against using their new majority in the House of Representatives to investigate his administration. He said in a tweet on Wednesday that if they did, the Republican-controlled Senate could investigate the Democrats.

With the majority of Democrats, they will have the power to launch investigations and badignment files, possibly including Trump's tax returns and private business transactions.

Trump said that if the Democrats were considering "wasting taxpayers' money to investigate us at the House level," Republicans "would also be forced to consider an investigation for all leaks of information. clbadified, and many other things, at the Senate level ".

He said that "two can play this game!"

He did not know what leaks he was referring to.

Asked about potential investigations, White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said Wednesday in an interview with CNN that "the president is not worried about anything."


President Donald Trump congratulates the candidates who adhered to his policy and principles in the midterm elections, stating that they "have done very well".

In a tweet Wednesday, Trump told candidates who avoided him to "say goodbye!"

Trump has repeatedly campaigned for the Republican Senate and the governorship candidates in Missouri, West Virginia, North Dakota, Florida, Georgia, and other states where he won the victory. 2016. Many of these candidates won their races Tuesday night, while other competitions remained too close.

Trump said Tuesday's "big victory" for the Republicans was achieved "under pressure from a hostile and hostile media!"

But Tuesday did not bring good news for the Republicans. Democrats have regained control of the House.

Trump is expected to "discuss our success at mid-term!" At a press conference at the White House later Wednesday.


President Donald Trump will discuss the results of the mid-term elections at a press conference held at the White House in the late morning.

The press officer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, announced on Twitter that Trump would answer questions from reporters at the White House at 11:30 am EST.

The Democrats regained control of the House in Trump's Republican Party. But the GOP gained ground in the Senate by beating several Democrats in states where Trump had been elected to large margins in 2016. Republicans also preserved governorship positions in key states like Ohio and Florida .

Trump led an aggressive campaign in the final days of the campaign, mainly to help Republican candidates in the Senate.

With the loss of the Republican majority in the House, President Donald Trump is facing the prospect of endless inquiries in the House and new questions about the resistance capacity of his unorthodox political coalition.

He nevertheless celebrated the success of the GOP by clinging to the Senate and away from reproach. Late Tuesday, Trump tweeted, "A huge success tonight. Thank you all! Trump Wednesday, Trump added, "Now we can all go back to work and get things done! "

On Tuesday, Trump called House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi a conversation that, according to her office, included congratulations and a wink to her argument for bipartisanship.

For full AP coverage of mid-term elections in the United States:

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