Lawyer disputing GSA bill compares pride flags with swastikas


A lawyer who charges the Alberta Gay and Straight Alliances bill responds to criticism after his speech this weekend.

On Saturday, Calgary lawyer John Carpay of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms, spoke at a conference hosted by Rebel Media, a far-right media organization.

During his speech, Carpay commented on totalitarianism, seeming to equate a rainbow flag with a swastika with regard to the hostility towards individual liberties.

"How can we defeat current totalitarianism?" You have to think about the common features, no matter whether it's a hammer and a sickle for communism, or a swastika for Nazi Germany or a rainbow flag , the hostility towards individual freedoms, "said Mr. Carpay.

Christine Myatt, spokesperson for UCP chief Jason Kenney, provided the following statement by e-mail in response to comments from Carpay:

"Of course, we do not think that the rainbow flag has an equivalence with fascism and communism – ideologies responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people." The UCP is a big party that supports the rule of law, the equality of all before the law, and the protection of their fundamental rights and freedoms, and this year the UCP organized Pride breakfasts in Edmonton and Calgary. "

The UCP has been involved in a great deal of controversy and has recently been forced to fire a member who allegedly had links to a shop that sold items badociated with white supremacy.

Comments from the executive director of a leftist party defense group demand that UCP leader Jason Kenney take action.

"If Jason Kenney and the UCP do not remove John Carpay from the UCP, it's an implicit recognition that this type of hate and homophobia is welcome in the UCP. Said Duncan Kinney of Progress Alberta.

Since then, Carpay apologized for his comments but did not give up his speech by saying that the comparison made more sense in its context.

"I'm sorry to have badimilated these three flags into the same sentence, I certainly did not want to suggest that the three ideologies are the same," Carpay said. "I would invite people to attend the full 20-minute presentation."

Carpay would not have confirmed to CTV Edmonton that it was a member of the PCU.

With files from Jeremy Thompson

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