Less than 100 hours before the sanctions against Iran, the United States is showing great insight about India


Donald Trump said there was enough oil for countries to reduce their oil imports from Iran


US President Donald Trump said Wednesday in a memorandum that he had determined that there was enough oil and oil products for the countries to significantly "reduce" their purchase of Iranian crude oil , which will be subject to US sanctions from November 5th.

In May, Donald Trump had withdrawn from the historic 2015 nuclear deal, the Joint Global Action Plan (JCPOA), calling it "disastrous". As part of the Obama era agreement, involving five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany, Iran had agreed to end its nuclear program in exchange for a relief from economic sanctions.

Moments after the signing of the agreement, Donald Trump had signed new sanctions against Iran and warned countries against any cooperation with Tehran as part of its controversial nuclear weapons program.

In his presidential determination, Donald Trump said "that there is a sufficient supply of oil and petroleum products from countries other than Iran to allow for a significant reduction in the volume of oil and petroleum products purchased at Iran through or through the intermediary of foreign financial institutions ".

Donald Trump's determination to the presidency, not a decree but a kind of directive issued by the White House to members of his administration on certain policy issues, comes less than 100 hours before the deadline set by him for countries as India buys it oil from Iran by noon Nov. 4.

India has expressed its difficulties to do so given the galloping energy needs of its 1.3 billion inhabitants. More than 80% of India's energy needs are imported. At the same time, India has taken steps to reduce its oil purchases from Iran, which has already declined considerably.

Recently, senior US officials traveled to India for talks on this topic. However, US officials have tight lips on the issue.

The White House also did not immediately answer the question of whether the cuts in oil purchases from India to Iran would be considered important. Donald Trump said he would continue to monitor the situation.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday at the Laura Ingraham Show, that the United States will put in place, on November 5, very severe sanctions for Iranian leaders. He hoped it would convince them to change their habits.

In another show, Mr. Pompeo said that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world. "They were squandering the money of the Iranian people, these malignant activities, and our effort is to get them to change this behavior."

US State Department spokesman Robert Paladino told reporters that on November 5 at 12:01, the sanctions lifted under the Iran nuclear deal would come into effect again.

"The sanctions that will be reimposed on November 5 will target critical sectors of the Iranian economy, such as the energy, shipping and shipbuilding sectors, as well as the provision of insurance. and transactions involving the Central Bank of Iran and designated Iranian financial institutions, "said Mr Paladino.

"The Iranian regime is the world's leading terror sponsor, which aims to cut the revenues the Iranian regime uses to wage terrorism and fund terrorist groups around the world, including the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas and Hezbollah Kata-ib and the Taliban, "he added.

"These groups foment global instability, they use these funds to finance their nuclear and ballistic missile programs, and they serve to cover the pockets of corrupt Iranian leaders rather than to help the Iranian people, who are the victim the longest, "said Paladino. I said.

In its October 29 report, the independent CRS said that India had significantly reduced its Iranian oil imports after 2011, reducing its purchases to 6 percent in 2013, compared to more than 16 percent in 2008, resulting in modernization costs. refineries that processed Iranian crude.

"However, since the sanctions were eased, Indian oil imports from Iran reached 800,000 barrels a day in July 2018, well above 2011 levels. Indian companies halted or slowed down their work to invest in Iran's oil and gas deposits in 2012-2016, but would have resumed work after the lifting of sanctions, "he said.

After the lifting of international sanctions, India would also have poured into Iran the $ 6.5 billion due for the purchase of oil purchased between 2012 and 2016.

"The degree of cooperation of Indian companies and the Indian government with reimposed American sanctions is not certain.The Indian leaders say that Iran has not violated the JCPOA and that sanctions should not not be reimposed, "according to the report of the Congressional Research Service (CRS). I said.

In June 2018, India and Iran agreed to use the rupee in order to maintain their economic commitment. Nevertheless, the major refiners Indian Reliance Ltd. and Indian Oil Corporation Limited, citing the decision of the State Bank of India to cease their dealings with Iran, complicate efforts to keep in touch with Iran, announced that they were planning to reduce their oil purchases.

"Indian purchases of Iranian oil have fallen sharply from July to August 2018, and press reports indicate that the country could attempt to significantly reduce Iranian oil imports in November 2018, when US energy sanctions come into effect," he said. according to the CRS report.

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