Letter of love from China to Rwanda before its complete invasion [READ]


China deepens its stronghold of Africa with the visit of President Xi Jinping who is in Rwanda for a two-day visit to cement "lasting friendship" that has made China the country's biggest trading partner

The United States will be irritated by the depth level of the China-Africa partnership as Donald Trump has shown self-centered while being hungry to maintain its diminishing African partnership. The most striking being the threat of sanctions against Rwanda for banning the importation of used clothing which will affect the United States

Jinping played his cards with the visit to Rwanda and he Narrated letter which was published by local media. He set the tone with praise for Africa's fastest developing country and then hit the point with a poem. "As a Chinese poem says," Good friends feel close to each other, even if they are thousands of miles away. "the vast geographical distance and the differences in size, system and culture between China and Rwanda, our peoples enjoy a deep traditional friendship."

He then listed dozens of completed Chinese projects and ongoing in Rwanda, international collaboration, mutual understanding, the cementing of the political foundation and all the clichés that basically mean "being on our side and doing what we want you to do."

Chinese Projects in Rwanda that he mentioned included the national stage of Amahoro; Integrated polytechnic regional college of Musanze; the project soon completed to drill 200 wells in rural Rwanda, a garment factory created by a Chinese entrepreneur and a Chinese firm realizing 70% of the construction of national roads in Rwanda.

It mentions more: the Masaka hospital and the Kibungo hospital built in China and with Chinese medical teams serving the population, digital TV services will be routed to 300 villages as part of a project to provide access to satellite television to 10,000 Rwandan villages.

but the hundreds of talented young Rwandan students studying in China on the Chinese government scholarships as well as the "Kung Fu / Wushu Federation of Rwanda has more than 2,000 participants."

It does not look like a cooperative partnership The game plays King and calls the shots for obvious reasons. Meanwhile, Paul Kagame of Rwanda has the confidence that he knows that he knows what he is doing as he has said in the past: Open the doors of the # 39; international aid is only for the benefit of the people and all that is not.

This is the first visit of a Chinese president to Rwanda

Read the full letter below: [19659002] China and Rwanda: A friendship higher than the mountains

At the invitation of President Paul Kagame, I will make a state visit to Rwanda from 22 to 23 July. It will not only be my first visit to Rwanda, but also the very first visit to Rwanda by a Chinese president. I am full of waiting for this visit.

Known as the "land of a thousand hills", Rwanda is blessed with picturesque landscapes, springtime all year round, and rich endowment in natural resources . Thanks to the tireless efforts of the brave and hard-working Rwandan people, this country has remained a vibrant land on the African continent.

In recent years, under the leadership of President Kagame, the government and the Rwandan people have made innovative efforts to open a path of development adapted to their national conditions. Taking advantage of good governance and social harmony, Rwanda is progressing on all fronts of development . With sustained stability and robust economic growth, Rwanda has experienced a steady increase in its regional and global influence and has given the example to countries facing similar tasks of national development and rejuvenation in Africa and beyond. I am encouraged to see these achievements and I sincerely wish Rwanda an even greater success.

As a Chinese poem puts it: "Good friends feel close to each other even when they are thousands of miles away" Despite the great geographical distance and size differences , of system and culture between China and Rwanda, our peoples enjoy a deep traditional friendship.Our two countries have endured great suffering in history.That is why we cherish the stability national, ethnic unity and economic development that we enjoy now, and are proud of what we accomplished along the way.

China and Rwanda established diplomatic relations In the past 47 years, our two countries have treated each other as equals with sincerity and friendship.

Based on mutual trust and mutual badistance, our friendship has withstood the evolution on the international landscape, the hearts of people. In recent years, thanks to the concerted efforts of both parties, our bilateral relations have expanded rapidly and demonstrated a new vitality through fruitful cooperation in all areas. China has become Rwanda's largest trading partner and project contractor. We are pleased to see that the Amahoro National Stadium built by China has hosted many spectacular sports games and has become a popular entertainment and entertainment venue for the Rwandan people.

The Integrated Polytechnic Regional College of Musanze is the largest vocational training center in the Northern Province. The 200-well drilling project, soon to be delivered, will help alleviate water shortages for more than 110,000 people. The clothing factory that a Chinese entrepreneur created in response to President Kagame's "Made in Rwanda" development initiative is playing a positive role in the growth of the Rwandan manufacturing sector. Another Chinese company is imposed in Rwanda by achieving 70% of the construction of national roads in Rwanda

Interpersonal friendship is the key to good state relations at State. The rich and diversified exchanges between our two parties have sparked growing interest in China and Chinese culture among the Rwandan people. Each year, several hundred talented young Rwandan students go to study in China through scholarships from the Chinese government. The number of students enrolled at the Confucius Institute of the University of Rwanda is approaching 5,000. The Kung Fu / Wushu Federation of Rwanda has more than 2,000 participants

In Masaka Hospital and Kibungo Hospital – two hospitals built by China – highly skilled and qualified medical staff from Chinese medical teams provide many services needed for more than 600 000 local people. Digital television services will soon be deployed in 300 Rwandan villages as part of an ongoing project to provide access to satellite television to 10,000 Rwandan villages, enriching the cultural life of more than 150,000 rural inhabitants. . Vision 2020 Umurenge and China working to achieve its centenary goals, historic opportunities await our cooperation. During his visit to China in March 2017, President Kagame and I reached an important consensus on deepening cooperation in different areas and developed comprehensive plans for the future growth of relations between our two countries. I hope that my next visit will give new impetus to our traditional friendship and global cooperation, that it will bring bilateral relations to a new level and produce fruitful results to to the benefit of of our peoples.

• We must respect mutual respect and deepen mutual political trust. We should see and develop our relationships in a strategic and long-term perspective. By strengthening exchanges and cooperation at all levels and by sharing development experience, we will be able to consolidate the political foundation for healthy, steady and sustainable growth in our relationships. China firmly supports Rwanda in the path of development that it has independently chosen

• We must link our development strategies and expand cooperation in all areas. By taking advantage of our complementarities and expanding the scope and channels of cooperation, we will be able to advance practical cooperation in infrastructure, mining, trade and investment, translating our friendship into concrete results and generating more benefits for our people. • We must promote mutual learning among civilizations and strengthen interpersonal exchanges. More in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the areas of education, culture, health, tourism, aviation and human resources will help to strengthen the social foundations of bilateral relations and increase public support for our friendship. collaboration in international affairs through closer communication and coordination. China welcomes and supports the efforts of Rwanda, the current President of the African Union (AU), to play a greater role in preserving Africa's unity and promoting its development . Our two countries will continue to firmly defend the common interests of developing countries through close communication and coordination in regional and international affairs. The friendship between our two countries is an example of the friendship between China and Africa. . For decades, China and Africa have treated each other with sincerity and friendship. We are a community with a shared future and common interests, characterized by solidarity and win-win cooperation. In the future, China will continue to deepen communication, mutual trust and cooperation with Rwanda and with other African friendly countries, based on the principles of sincerity, real results, of affinity and good faith. In just over a month, China will hold a summit of the China – Africa Cooperation Forum (FOCAC) in Beijing. I will welcome President Kagame to the summit in his capacity as President of Rwanda and current President of the AU. I look forward to meeting with him and other leaders of FOCAC members to develop a plan to promote Sino-African friendship and cooperation and promote our future development.

The decades-old Umuganda culture in Rwanda encourages joint efforts and mutual aid for common goals. A Chinese saying contains a similar message: "People with one heart and one mind have the power to move a mountain." In an increasingly interdependent and interdependent world, countries face many common challenges. It is important that China and Rwanda unite for mutual benefit and common development and for a community with a common future between our two countries and between China and Africa as a whole. I am convinced that with the joint efforts of our two governments and our peoples, Sino-Rwandan relations will embrace an even better future.

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