Local Reaction After Vatican Removes Bishop Martin Holley From Leadership Of Memphis Diocese


MEMPHIS, Tenn. (localmemphis.com) – Bishop Memphis Martin Holley is out following orders from Pope Francis in the Vatican. Bishop Holley's departure comes from the high ranking of the Catholic Church, to the extent of the rebadured priests, the closure of Catholic Schools, and the Dedindling Donations.

Staff at the Catholic Diocese of Memphis declined on an interview, and we are told Bishop Holley is out of town. But Bishop Holley's critics are talking about it, and they're going back to the helm, overseeing nearly 50 parishes across West Tennessee.

"It's sad to be excited about something because we wanted it to work," says Father John McArthur.

Bishop Holley was installed just two years ago at the Cook Convention Center. Father McArthur and more than two thirds of Memphis priests were rebadigned or turned down in the months after Bishop Holley took over. That caused divisions and departures.

"It's just been trying out for the church, people are left, people are upset, and money is down," says Father McArthur

"We've lost a fourth of our parishioners at Incarnation," says parishioner Cathy Hurdle.

Hurdle and hundreds of fellow parishioners wrote letters to Bishop Holley to voice concerns. She, and other priests, said those pleas fell on deaf ears.

"He did not respond to any of our correspondence," says Hurdle.

"I do not think he never liked us, we never wanted to know us," says Father McArthur.

Father McArthur, Archbishops of Georgia, and Minnesota, cam to Memphis to investigate. The priest said to Bishop Holley's removal.

"I felt unburdened, what they said, what I said," Father McArthur said.

Parishioners also posted in support of Bishop Holley on the Catholic Diocese of Memphis' Facebook page, writing "This is just wrong" and "This is a very sad day."

"My prayer is this new bishop comes with a spirit of holiness and embraces us," Hurdle says.

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville will be overseeing the Catholic Diocese of Memphis until further notice. Holley must move out of the chancery by Friday.

In a statement released Wednesday, the Vatican said:

"The Holy Father Francis has removed from the pastoral care of the diocese of Memphis, United States of America, H.E. Msgr. Martin D. Holley, and has appointed as apostolic administratorsede vacant and ad nutum Sanctae Sedis"Of the same diocese H.E. Msgr. Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville. "

The Memphis Diocese released the following statement Wednesday following the Vatican's confirmation that Holley had been removed.

Following the apostolic visitation of June 2018 to the Diocese of Memphis and its Bishop, called for by the Holy Father, and after several efforts to restore peace and serenity within the same particular Church, today his Holiness Pope Francis the Most Reverend Martin D. Holley. Pope Francis has appointed as Apostolic Administrator His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, Metropolitan Archbishop of Louisville.

This appointment is effective immediately.

The announcement from the Holy See asks for prayers for the Diocese of Memphis during this time of transition and for Bishop Holley as he leaves from Memphis.

In a statement, Archbishop Kurtz said:

"I am humbly accepting the appointment of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to serve as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Memphis, while remaining Archbishop of Louisville.I amger to work with the priests, curia, and faithful of the Diocese of Memphis to promote stability, peace, and healing until Pope Francis joins a new bishop I have admired the Church in Memphis for many years, particularly from my time as Bishop of Knoxville.

I ask for prayers for Bishop Martin Holley as he leaves from this local church and for the entire Church of Memphis. Let us pray for one another during this time of transition. "

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