lunar eclipse 2018: What is the longest eclipse and blood moon means to your zodiac sign | more life


The lunar eclipse 2018 is very special. July 27 will mark the longest lunar eclipse of the century, its duration being 1 hour and 43 minutes (from 23:45 to 1 am on July 28). To top it off, it will also be a Blood Moon because light reflected from its surface is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere and creates a reddish hue. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon pbades behind the earth and is eclipsed by the Earth's shadow. The lunar eclipse can have side effects on pregnancy and affect the solar signs of the zodiac. There are also several myths and superstitions of the lunar eclipse.

Here is a brief summary of the effects of the lunar eclipse on the signs of the zodiac:

ARIES Aries (March 21-April 20)
You are a born and longest leader Eclipse of blood will get you into a powerful role. This event can affect your mind and make you experience the highest ups and downs. Your collaborative efforts are stimulated. The key to your happiness and contentment is to cut ties with enemies pretending to be friends.

TAURUS the Bull (April 21-May 20)
In general, you do not think to go against your nature and you usually weigh each option carefully. The longest lunar eclipse of the blood moon can make you cautious in the wind, make you do something against your nature and knock you out of frustration and disappointment. Never let personal problems enter your professional arena. Avoid people who are downright insulting and abusive.

GEMINI The Twins (May 21-June 21)
The longest lunar eclipse of the blood moon has something positive in store for you. You can become a beacon of light for your loved ones who are going through difficult times. It's because this event imbues you with patience and determination that allows you to handle any crisis. Rubbing people in the wrong way can cause immense pain and suffering.

CANCER Crab (June 22-July 22)
The energy of the Blood Moon, undergoing the longest eclipse, will awaken primordial instincts leading to craze and to the # 39; s privacy. If single, this results in a happy ending for you and just gets returns for your efforts. If he is married and two-strokes, it can become a time bomb. When it will burst is unpredictable, but certain. Expect a favorable decision on a legal issue.

LEO the Lion (July 23-August 23)
This lunar lunar event experiencing the longest eclipse can dethrone you from the center of the universe. think is your birthright. But, it will only be because you are trying to cultivate your personal and professional relationships. This event can also curb your one-sided egoistic mind to think of others. Happiness belongs to you if you keep your priorities.

Virgin of the Virgin (August 24-Sept 23)
Your usual gift-giving nature may become a little tainted by a trail of selfishness under the influence of the longest eclipse of the blood moon. This is because you are determined to solve all your problems and concerns. And for that, you must give yourself top priority. The lunar event predicts radical lifestyle changes that bring moderation to the fore.

LIBRA the Scales (Sep 24-Oct 23)
If you find yourself under intense pressure, the longest lunar eclipse of the blood will certainly not help. On the contrary, your current struggles and frustrations accentuate and become a constant source of worry. Your lie of salvation is self-realization. Try to have a glimpse of your problems to solve them before they become a source of worry.

SCORPIO Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Many other signs of the zodiac face the shock of the lunar longest lunar eclipse of blood, but not you. Despite the bad financial decisions that have ruined your financial situation, expect things to improve monetarily. Limit your tendency to act recklessly and impulsively, as the harmful consequences of your actions can disrupt your life.

SAGITTARIUS the Archer (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)
You are generally meticulous in completing projects in a timely manner, but the longest eclipse of the blood moon can put obstacles in your way. Not only will this event prevent you from achieving your goals, but it will also have the effect of curbing your creativity. Fortunately, it is a transitional phase and you bounce back to your furious pace.

The longest eclipse of the blood moon can cause setbacks of all kinds in monetary matters, professional matters and relationships. And your uncompromising nature is no help at all. These problems can worsen if corrective actions are not taken in a timely manner. That said, the lunar event also bodes well for a change if necessary, turning things in the right direction once again.

AQUARIUS the water carrier (January 22-February 19)
If anguish, resentment, rage, loathing and other emotions have torn your life , do not expect immediate relief. In fact, things can intensify because of the longest lunar eclipse of the blood. Face it if you find that your situation is not due to what you believe to be the fault of someone else. When things hit bottom, they go back up. To be patient.

FISH FISH (20-20-20 Mar.)
The longest eclipse of the blood moon bodes well for you. Listen to your heart more than your head to stay on track. Avoid manipulating people who might push you to make thoughtless decisions that you may regret later. The problems you are currently experiencing will slide in the background during this lunar event. You are about to become financially strong.

(Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma is a famous astrologer from Delhi)

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