Macron security agent in detention and will be sent back on violent video | News from the world


Emmanuel Macron faces the biggest crisis of his presidency facing the growing scandal of one of his closest security officials filmed authorized by the police to violently badault a young man and a young woman on the sidelines Alexander Benalla, a member of Macron's closed circle, was placed in police custody on Friday morning, facing charges of violence by a public official, usurping the identity of one police officer and illegally using police badges. He also faces charges of complicity for illegally attempting to obtain surveillance footage.

A second bodyguard, Vincent Crase, who worked for Macron's centrist political party, La Republique En Marche, was also in police custody. A senior Elysee official who heads Macron's presidential office was also questioned by the police.

The Elysee fired Benalla Friday morning, a few days after the outbreak of the scandal, but opposition politicians accused the government of concealment. A scandal erupted when Le Monde published a video this week showing Benalla and Crase in a Paris square where riot police were firing tear gas and moving young people on May 1 at the day's work rally.

Benalla – who is not a policeman is seen wearing a police visor. He catches and drags a woman first, then drags, strikes and knocks on an unarmed young man who seems to be in pain. Crase is also illegally seen wearing a police armband trailing and threatening a man.

Crucially, the many riot police seem to be letting the two men conduct the violence quietly.

When the Elysee finally sacked Benalla, a spokesman explained that more details were revealed – Benalla, the night the world's history erupted, allegedly collaborated with several police officers high ranking to steal CCTV footage from the state of the incident. Three police officers, including two high-ranking officers, were suspended and Interior Minister Gérard Collomb "strongly condemned" their actions.

Opposition politicians refused to resume the normal affairs of parliament. state scandal. They asked why one of Macron's closest security officers had been allowed to report illegally as a police officer and beat members of the public with impunity and why the Macron office had not reported the incident. incident as a crime to prosecutors.

"The very heart of the state has been corrupted, our work must stop immediately and the prime minister must come and explain it," said Christian Jacob of the right-wing Republicans in Parliament

. Elysee and the Minister of the Interior were informed of Benalla's violence on May 2. They did not report it as a crime to the police, instead Benalla was suspended for 15 days. and, although the Elysee had said that he had been transferred to administrative duties, he kept an office at the Elysee and was still involved in security this week.The World also revealed that Benalla had received an apartment in special lodgings of the Elysee in an exclusive district of Paris less than ten days ago – despite the violent incident.

right and left accuse the government of A concealment, the socialists are calling for Collomb's mission, and the left-wing party France's rebellious threat to demand the vote of a motion of censure

. extremely damaging to the centrist Macron who won the presidency by pledging to restore transparency and integrity to the highest position of the nation. Macron had promised to put an end to the corrupt old school policy and a new era of ethics in an "exemplary" Republic.

The president refused to comment on the case and the Elysee was perceived as slow to react, causing opposition Macron was protecting his close …

The scandal comes with the popularity Macron to a record high – defying badysts' expectations of a post-World Cup bounce – with a confidence rating of only 39% in a BVA survey conducted on Wednesday and Thursday

Lawmakers launched their own inquiry commission, opposition parties demanding that officials immediately respond to questions from parliament.

Macron's office said earlier this week that Benalla had been allowed to "observe police operations". May 1, when the incident took place

The French police watchdog opened his own investigation into how the two men had been dressed as officers and allowed to act violently.

Left and right politicians suggested that there had been a concealment and asked why the incident had not been reported to the police when it was revealed in May.

Socialist Party leader Olivier Faure said that Collomb's position was on the line. "Why did not the police surrounding Benalla that day intervene, what was Benalla's power? … Why was Benalla protected?"

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