Malibu residents receive order as California wildfire approaches


The Associated Press

Published Friday 9 November 2018 10:59 EST

Last updated on Friday, November 9, 2018 11:56 am EST

MALIBU, Calif. – About two-thirds of the city of Malibu was evacuated early Friday while a fierce forest fire in southern California was heading toward the seaside community that is home to many Hollywood celebrities.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department tweeted that the fire that was raging in the Santa Monica Mountains was headed toward the ocean. Malibu has about 13,000 inhabitants and is located along the coast at the southern foot of the mountain range.

"Imminent threat!" the ministry said in its warning.

This eruption erupted Thursday near the northwest corner of the city of Los Angeles, while notorious winds from the area were carrying Santa Ana, causing the nightly evacuation of some 75,000 homes in western County from Los Angeles and East Ventura County.

The fire then drove south, crossed the wide American Highway 101 before dawn on Friday and flew into the Santa Monica Mountains.

Another fire was burning further west in Ventura County, also heading towards the ocean.

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