Fri, July 27, 2018
VANCOUVER – The sun, the Earth and Mars are lined up for the next few days, giving people around the world "The Red planet will be the brightest of his life "
From July 27 to 31, Mars will be five times brighter and 30% larger than usual, according to astronomer Kat Kelly, at MacMillan. Space Center.
The planet will no longer be so close to the Earth for more than 250 years, has t -she says. The next time this heavenly event, called the March Opposition, will be held in the year 2287
Canadians from across the country will be able to see the orange planet at its peak on July 31. In Vancouver, people will be able to spot Mars in the southeast sky from 9:30 pm, and the planet will continue to rise in the sky as the night continues.
This celestial event follows the discovery by scientists of a liquid water lake on Mars. earlier this week. This is an important step, Kelly said, because scientists had previously discovered that traces of water that existed in the past and water that were Infiltrates intermittently through the rocks.
"It's a good time, and think, maybe there's life up there swimming around the lake," Kelly said.
Buck Moon also performs this week on Friday, July 27th. It will be the smallest full moon of the year. She says that binoculars and telescopes are not needed – Mars will be visible to the naked eye – but Kelly says that astronomy enthusiasts who want the best view possible should find a sheltered place. lights of the city. The space centers of the country are holding parties and open houses if people want to see Mars with the help of a telescope.
The Trottier Observatory of Simon Fraser University at Burnaby Mountain is holding an open house on Friday, July 31st.
The University of British Columbia Astronomy Club Holds a Party at Coopers Park on Friday, July 31, starting at 10 pm [19659006] Wanyee Li is a Vancouver reporter covering business urban and new technologies. Follow her on Twitter: @wanyeelii
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