Out There
An oasis in the sky inspires the imagination. A series of discoveries refreshes our aspiration to the red planet.

He was there: glowing on the dash of the sky like a stargazer next to the full moon of blood on Friday.
He was brilliantly calling on 35.8 million miles of space, an abyss that humans wanted to cross as long as they knew that the lights of the sky are places this week, it's been closest to the Earth for 15 years.
The discovery of a lake 12 miles wide under the southern ice cap of Mars by the Mars Express orbit of the European Space Agency An oasis for interplanetary dreamers. Microbes are known to inhabit similar lakes on Earth, and who knows? Could small martian insects swim there under a mile of ice that prevents cosmic rays from spreading and keeps the martian water?
March has always been the backyard of our imaginations, the place where we could live someday. the invaders would come in flying saucers to enslave us and steal our water. Our robots have already crossed this space again and again.