A new update allows you to play as Quiet in Metal Gear Solid 5: The basic missions of the Phantom Pain. The update also adds several other changes, including new elements of online development and another difficulty for the missions of the base of operations Forward Event
Quiet is a sniper who loses Venom Snake in a duel in Afghanistan. She becomes a prisoner at the parent base until she proves that she can be trusted to work with the Diamond Dog staff. She is then available as a companion character who can help the player on a mission.
Calm rarely speaks and carries three sniper rifles with it, the deadly butterfly Wicked Butterfly and Sinful Butterfly and the non-lethal Guilty butterfly. His most notable feature is his considerable lack of clothing, explained in the game as a result of a parasitic treatment that she received. The parasite gives it incredible speed, perception, durability, longevity, phasing, and invisibility, but as a result, it must breathe and absorb nutrients through its skin. Wearing clothes literally chokes him.
At stake, the superhuman abilities of Quiet make it play differently from Venom Snake. Calm can aim down sniper rifle goggles with a minimum of jerks, and can run faster. She can also jump on ledges where Venom Snake would normally need a ladder, rush to the front, and become invisible when she is completely motionless. Because of the parasite, you will not be able to change the Quiet or Uniform head options by playing like it.

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New development objects provide additional support to missions 5. Five items have been added: two sniper rifles, a black matter generator, a deafening black matter generator and an energy wall. The two sniper rifles are variants of the same gun, one is deadly and the other is not. The Dark Matter Generator creates a black cloud that kills any nearby enemy, while the Dark Matter Generator only stuns the enemies. The energy shield can block anything, but will eventually dissipate if it takes too many shots. All new items are only available in the missions of the Advanced Operations Database.
The new update also adds a difficulty to the missions of the advanced event-based operations and fixes some bugs. Full details of the update can be found on Konami's blog.
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
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