Michael Cohen says the family, the country "have my first loyalty." What about Trump?


The former president's lawyer has already said that it "would do anything" for the president, but in the interview, which was not in front of the camera he took a different tone on the investigation that Trump called a "witch hunt". 19659002] "I do not agree with those who demonize or vilify the FBI," Cohen said. "When they searched my hotel room and my home, it was obviously upsetting to me and my family, but the agents were respectful, courteous and professional, and I thanked them for their service and how they went away, we shook hands. "

Last month, Trump stated that Cohen was no longer his personal solicitor." No, he's no longer my lawyer, but I'm not a lawyer. " I have always loved Michael.He also stated that he was not involved in any Russian intervention in the 2016 elections.

The lawyer was trapped in a federal investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 elections, earlier in this election, the year when FBI agents raided his office and his hotel room after receiving a recommendation from the special advocate Robert Mueller III, who seized documents related to several issues, including a payment to a badgraphic trice known as Stormy Daniels.

Cohen was not charged with a crime, he was recently questioned by Senate and House committees investigating the case.

Cohen also broke with his past. statement that he paid Stormy Daniels on his own, refusing to answer ABC on whether the president ordered him to make the payment or promised repayment.

"I want to answer, one day I will answer," said Cohen, "but for the moment, I can not comment further on the advice of my counsel."

The President also said that He did not think that Cohen would cooperate with the federal authorities. "Most people will turn around if the government allows them to get out of trouble," Trump tweeted in April. "Sorry, I do not see Michael doing that."

… it means lying or inventing stories. I do not see Michael doing this despite the horrific witch hunt and dishonest media!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 21, 2018

Cohen recently changed counsel, retaining former federal prosecutor Guy Petrillo, breaking off from attorneys obtained in partnership with the president's lawyers, according to ABC News.

In recent days, Cohen apparently sought to whitewash his name.He tweeted on Thursday that he was not involved in Russian collusion and he was due an apology. "He also seemed to revel in the attention of the media He tweeted on Sunday that his" silence was broken! "

The interview, he told ABC News, was a not to "resolve."

"I want to find my name, my reputation and my life" he said.

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