Mila Kunis reflects on disagreement "Blowup" with Ashon Kutcher's Relative


By Shakiel Mahjouri .

Mila Kunis loves her in-laws, but all families struggle from time to time.

Such was the case when Kunis and one of the husband's family members Ashton Kutcher had a heated political debate

LINK: Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin are not as "friendly" as they are. they could be

"We've both been so vehemently disagreeing it's very important to me," told the 34-year-old actress to Marc Maron on her podcast "WTF ". "The rights of the woman, which seems so stupid to say" Oh but for me it's important, but for you, it's not the case "I do not know why it would not be. "

"The spy that robbed me of" Star describes the intense argument as a "blowup." Although she did not name the parent in question, she revealed the debate on Donald Trump's views before his presidency.

"These are the things that will happen if he wins," she tried to explain at the time. "And that was not a priority. It's not that it was not even a priority, I should not say that. It was not likely that something was going to happen. This is not the purpose of this. The point was something else. And I said to myself, "Yes, but by default, that's the thing that will fall."

BOUND: Mila Kunis about her hilarious and disastrous honeymoon

and especially social media have all become war zones for political debate in recent years. Kunis has no problem with the conversation, as long as the facts are put forward.

"Here's the only thing I've learned," says Kunis to Maron. "No, you can not ask for a rational … Like," So why would not you vote for Hillary? "Because it's ab ** ch." Why is she ab ** ch? "I do not know I know …" I do not agree with that. You and I do not have to agree, but we have an educational debate. "

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Mila Kunis

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