million. Night Shyamalan debuts in the trailer of "Glass & # 39; at Comic-Con


SAN DIEGO – The director Mr. Night Shyamalan says that he could have launched the trailer of "Glbad" in front of the biggest movies of the summer, but that he wanted to hold it for Comic-Con.

The filmmaker told Friday at the annual cartoon convention that he was convinced that Hall H's audience should be the first to see it.

"This has always been done for you," he says

. going out for Comic-Con and waiting in the mbadive line and sometimes during the night to enter Hall H are the same kind that has helped turn "Unbreakable" into a lasting film, even after receiving lukewarm critiques from critics.

I dreamed of being in this room forever, "said Shyamalan." Glbad is the mecca here. "

" Glbad "fuses the worlds of" Unbreakable "and" Split ", two very different on three very different superhuman, fragile but brilliant Mr. Glbad of Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis "strong and" unbreakable "Kevin Dunn of James Dunvoy and Kevin Wendell Crumb of James McAvoy, who has 24 personalities. The three actors take over their roles in "Glbad".

The trailer shows the three people in an asylum interviewed by a psychiatrist played by Sarah Paulson who thinks their powers are just illusions of grandeur.

was ill, was presented in San Diego to promote the film in the largest convention venue, Hall H. of 6500 seats.

Shyamalan was amazed at the difference between cartoon films and the moment he was preparing to promote "Unbreakable" in 2000. He recalled that the studio's marketing team was then explaining that 39; they were going to avoid using the term "comic strip" because it was of a marginal kind

"It's fascinating considering what s & ds; Has since pbaded "

. Although little has been revealed about what will happen in the film, Shyamalan said his film would likely be on the verge of a PG-13 and R-rating. It will be released in North American theaters in January.

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