Miss Massachusetts candidate Maude Gorman resigns during a #MeToo mockery


Maude Gorman, 24, announced in an Instagram post that she had resigned him. Miss Plymouth County's title after the June 30 event featured an unexpected skit that lamented the demise of the Miss America swimwear competition by referring to the #MeToo movement.

In the skit, which would have been improvised and unauthorized by pageant authorities, a beauty queen tells a person disguised as god that she does not understand why the swimsuit contest had to end . "Me too, Amy," replies God, holding a #MeToo sign.

While the joke provoked laughter and applause from the audience, Gorman, standing backstage, was horrified.

When she was 13, Gorman was raped by three adult men; she says that it has taken three years for her to open up on the experience. While she was attending the Miss World circuit in 2015, she won the title for the state of Mbadachusetts and used this platform to talk about her survivor status of a badual badault. This year, she almost finished the final competition for the Miss Mbadachusetts title – a springboard for the Miss America contest – when politics found her place on stage again

Gorman described the moment she heard the joke at the Boston Globe As "heartbreaking."

"Right now, everything has collapsed right in front of me," she said. She then announced on Instagram that she had resigned her title stating, "As a survivor and advocate for victims' rights and badual violence as a whole, I refuse to sit back and just leave fall.

Addressing NBC Boston on Saturday, she added that she felt "betrayed" by the joke. "Mocking a movement that allowed survivors to get up is inappropriate, and especially a women's empowerment organization, should be unacceptable."

The Miss Mbadachusetts organization is excused for the incident on Facebook and stated that "the skit was not in script and was not allowed by the In the future, we will review all content with future presenters and other attendees prior to our show to be sure that offending or potentially offensive content is not allowed. "

Another excuse for The author of the skit Monday claimed that the joke was meant to be a "wink at the #MeToo movement, not a shot on it."

The controversy about the incident, and the resignation of Gorman, eclipsed the news that the winner of the competition Gabriela Taveras is the first woman of color Miss Mbadachusetts title.

Although the decision of the Miss America organization to end the swimsuit competition has garnered national praise, at the state level, the decision was controversial. Many local qualifying competitions still require that women participate in the activity of swimwear.

Writing for Vox, the former Miss America Mallory Hagan said the swimsuit competition spawned an "intense internal battle over my self-image. Someone or something always reminded me that my body was not good enough. "

She also noted that when she finally won," the year that I spent at completing my Miss America homework had absolutely nothing to do with my body. . Instead, I used my body to draw attention to the issue of child abuse by defending the interests of the organizations.

Like Hagen, Gorman used his platform as a laureate to draw attention to a nearby subject. her. But a beauty queen talking about badual badault is not always a popular message.

"I think society blames the victims," ​​Gorman told the Globe in 2015. "I'm trying to eliminate that blame. My goal is to be this light at the end of the tunnel for those who feel stuck in the dark. "

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