Mix with the Nonnas


The brand Jamie Oliver has been harshly criticized this year by the media, ranging from claims of cultural appropriation on the release of a dish of jerk rice to the revelation that he had no money left to save his British restaurants. if more was needed.

While others have disappeared, the famous chef has not deviated from the media and remains pbadionate about causes such as successful lobbying the British government to introduce a tax on soft drinks.

In Australia, we would say that the chief, who made himself known as a naked chef in 1999, fell victim to the large poppy syndrome.

Down the line from London, Oliver recognizes that he has his enemies.

"Yes, absolutely, and I think you just have to accept that and say" what have you done in the past year, "he says.

"There are a lot of lazy people who do not realize or do nothing, who have a lot of opinions.

"Since school dinners in the UK (2005), I get a lot of s … but I would not take it as long as I would not … do it.

"When we talk about the tax on sweetened beverages, for example, hundreds of things bounced back at that time … the government spoke for the first time in favor of children's health with the child. 39, the food industry and said: it is too much, you hurt our children, in fact, we will tax you.

Oliver said that he had fought for the money, potentially a billion pounds, to go to primary schools for activities such as breakfast clubs. In Australia, its Ministry of Food continues to make local changes, teach cooking techniques and implement the Learn Your Fruit & Veg program.

"If you can work locally, when people who suffer from poor diet-based health have proven that they've learned 10 recipes to save lives, learn the basics of nutrition and know how to budget and shop, we know it. makes a difference.

"So, all I get, all the defeats, I get … done," he says. "And I'm really proud of what I've done. I am used to it, I am rather bold in the fight.

It was necessary to close the restaurants and fire staff to keep Oliver Jamie's Italian restaurants out of the way. He has taken over Australian restaurants, including the outpost of CBD Perth.

"It was a difficult time for me in the UK with the restaurants; we left early, so we're stable before most of the others, "he says.

"I am very optimistic about it and grateful. As you probably know, the restaurant business is not easy, which is amazing. There is not much money, you really have to be there. We are a medium sized restaurant and we are very proud to serve a very wide range of people. We love making pasta every day and cooking simply delicious and delicious dishes. "

It's the morning of Halloween when we talk and the father of five laments about the condition of his house, with pumpkins and mud everywhere.

"I did not grow up with that, we did not really have it when I was a kid," he says.

"We talked about it, we knew it, but no one did it from where I came from and the idea that kids were walking to the door of strangers was considered a bit strange thing to to do, which is of course.

"I do not have shaving foam, no shampoo, no conditioner, everything is becoming bloody mucus, there is damage everywhere. My teenage girls prefer to go to some parts of the city, I prefer not to go, dressed in strange things that I do not approve at all, but what are you doing? "

He contemplates following them dressed. Maybe he could go dressed like himself?

"I would like … to scare everyone, I would not do it," he burst out laughing.

Jamie Oliver with Nonna Franchina.
Camera iconJamie Oliver with Nonna Franchina.

Oliver remains the UK's most successful chef and fiction writer, but in his new television series, Jamie Cooks Italy, he worked alongside nonnas who did not know it or who thought that the show would be seen in more than 100 countries.

"I would say that none of them knew who I was," he says. "They knew what we were looking for and they were very conscious that they wanted to keep some parts of their culture and these recipes alive and that they ardently wanted us, all of us, to share it.

"When we went to Tuscany and cooked with (Elena) the last Jewish girl from Pitigliano and cooked her artichoke dish, the scene was incredibly moving. She had no idea that the whole world was going to see it.

For the series, Oliver is badociated with his mentor, Genarro Contaldo, to learn and preserve the precious local recipes of women of the 80s and 90s, discovered by bilingual producers who found them in the old, by going door to door. "This is the first TV series in 20 years for which I did not ask to be commissioned. I said, "We have to do it, otherwise it's gone," he says categorically.

"It was an important show to do because this generation of nonas, the first nonas who grew up without electricity, gas and supermarkets and all the modern comforts, are starting to die.

"I really wanted to spend quality time, use the best of technology and cameras, to record this moment, their memories, and their thoughts on food, life and family. That's why we did it. "

Oliver says that Channel 4 is famous for its contemporary style, but it is a deliberately outmoded show that has seen its ratings grow week by week.

He spent two years shooting, filming, gaining the confidence of women and trying to cook, smell and taste, to release memories they may not have thought about or talked about for 50 years.

They might not know who Oliver was, but the Nonnas started to like touch, which his wife, Jules, noticed while watching the show.

"She was not disturbed. She was "Jamie, they are everywhere on you, they are very tactile, they touch you constantly". And when I looked at it, I also agreed, it was a very delicate series, but when I was there, I never felt it and she never seemed inappropriate. "

He added that it was a reminder that older people often lacked physical contact such as grip and cuddling.

Oliver hopes that Australian viewers will be inspired to ask their parents and grandparents to record and transmit family recipes.

"For me, the recipe boxes are brilliant but they are pretty mono," he says. "I think the television series involves in an invisible way: go talk to mom, go talk to grandma, get these bloody recipes, take them to a place, take a picture of them, but speak them, the context is everything I think. "

To celebrate his 20 years on television next year, Oliver announced that his team was planning to find new tracks and "have fun, get rid of piss a little". A descent is also planned in February.

Jamie Cooks Italy starts on November 21st at 7:30 pm on Ten. The accompanying recipe book by Michael Joseph is available now.

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