
Photo: Wayne Moore
Firefighters managed to extinguish three of the four fires that caught fire on Monday night on Mount Boucherie.
One last fire remains active
West Kelowna Fire Chief Jason Brolund says the fires – which started about 100 meters away – are "definitely suspects. "
The West Kelowna firefighters scramble to extinguish four separate fire starts on Mount Boucherie
Fires burn on the west side of the mountain, about 100 meters away . Witnesses say that at least one of the fires has been extinguished, but the others remain active. The rain falls slightly in the region.
The fire department sits in the parking lot of the Royal LePage Square and has threaded several lines along the mountain. Four fire trucks and four police cruisers are on scene
ORIGINAL 5:30 pm
Firefighters respond to a fire on Mount Butcher in West Kelowna.
At least three small plumes of smoke can be seen in various places above Ponderosa Road
Castanet has a reporter on the way to the scene and will update as more information becomes available. available.

Photo: Wayne Moore

The artist Laurie Ryan is seen on an image of her website
A West Kelowna woman has been identified as being the victim of a explosion occurred in a Mexican seaside resort last month.
The artist Laurie Ryan was killed in Cabo San Lucas "According to friends on social networks, June 24, friends stopped at Montecristo Estates Luxury Villas
" There was an explosion that was still under investigation and Laurie was her only victim. Rehab said.
Ryan She worked with the Mississippi-based group in the past, designing t-shirts for the nonprofit animal rehabilitation organization.
According to her website, she was well known in the Okanagan Art Circles in 2014 in West Kelowna. to be found at the New Moon Gallery. A statement on his website confirmed his death.
"Laurie will be sadly missed by family, friends, fellow local artists, and abroad, and her contribution to this art will never be forgotten," says GCWR. CTV Vancouver

Photo: Added
West Kelowna PRP Officer July 1, 2018.
Canada Day security measures appear to have intensified this year in West Kelowna.
Some revelers may not have noticed A soldier sent a photo of an RCMP officer holding a rifle to his chest Sunday
Castanet News contacted the RCMP to confirm whether this year's measurements were different from those of the past
. Pauline
Vancouver police were deployed to carry C8 rifles, video cameras and even binoculars to monitor crowds
. prese Power and firepower are needed at a time when car bombings in Toronto and Europe have made public rallies easy targets
– with records from CTV Vancouver

Photo : Facebook
Sue Foley [19659018] The Music in the Park program in West Kelowna has been unveiled
Annette Beaudreau's Annual Music Series at the Memorial Park begins July 6 at 6:30 pm
Music in the park runs every Friday until the end of the month of August.
Featured performers this summer include the band Sue Foley, Oktopus, Ben Klick and Kenny's Blues Boss & # 39; Wayne.
Each evening begins with an emerging artist and part one, before the poster head hits the stage
Throughout the evening, West Kelowna Recreation staff will be in the park with games for children. Food and beverage vendors will also be installed on the site.

Photo: Contributed
The City of West Kelowna will require a larger space to hold a public hearing on a major development project from Campbell Road to Casa Loma. Residents are concerned about the development of Blackmun Bay, which will include 218 apartments, 86 townhouses, a 180-room hotel and a 241 marina.
Too much traffic, too much traffic, too much traffic [19659004] A petition with over 200 signatures of angry residents appeared online
"The proposal is inconsistent with the neighborhood character of the Casa Loma single access community, and is inconsistent with the official community plan." West Kelowna, which does not support this area as a high density residential and commercial area, "says the petition.
He adds that the development will result in too much density, cause extreme road congestion during and after construction, do not fit to the nature of the community and will exceed the standards of access to emergency services and emergency evacuations.
Earlier this week, the co Municipal Council gave a first reading to a series of zoning amendments
However, councilors, like residents, have several concerns.
Coun. Rosalind Neis raised concerns about the current roundabout at the end of Campbell Road near the William R. Bennett Bridge entrance
"The impact on anyone trying to have a life normal, to go home and go to work. Neis is working with this traffic circle at this location, "said Neis
She suggested the city find a way to repair the roundabout and the problems along Campbell Road before the public hearing [19659019]. by the way is already a problem even before we add more cars to it, "said Council Rick de Jong, who added concerns about density and parking
" I will not be in favor of a reduction of parking, "he said." Parking is a problem that this community is sensitive to. "
De Jong also said that he wanted to know more about The hotel has questioned the reason for being a hotel of this nature in an area where facilities are limited
adding that the Westbank First Nation is working on an amenity located just north of the Campbell Road property
medium density townhouses and high-density apartments Approximately 249 units are proposed

Photo: Wayne Moore
Click here to view the gallery
The Rain it's stopped, providing an ideal place for the d Annual Westside Daze spun in the streets of West Kelowna Saturday morning. 19659004] Cool and cloudy conditions welcomed the parades as thousands gathered for the largest parade in British Columbia.
More than 60 entries, down from last year, toured the parade on the edge of the city center in less than 70 minutes
Bands, tanks, clowns, royalty , service groups The parade is one of the highlights of Westside Daze, the annual celebration of Canada Day weekend that has been a staple in everyday life.
The free family festival takes place on Canada Day Saturday and Sunday at West Kelowna Memorial Park
The Saturday show includes James Esler and Julie Mbadi before a fireworks show at 10:15 pm
Sunday begins with community worship at 9:30 am and the annual auto show at 10 am
The Canada Day cake will be cut at about 3 pm

Photo: RCMP
in West Kelowna seeks help finding missing woman
Brittany Martel, 27, lives in Kelowna but was last seen in Surrey on June 14th.
It was believed that she planned to hitch a ride for the Northwest Territories. Police say family and friends are worried about her well-being
She was last seen on social media on June 22nd.
Martel is described as follows:
- Native
- 27 years old
- measuring five feet four inches
- 141 pounds
- black hair, with orange streaks
- brown eyes
Anyone with information is asked to contact the local RCMP detachment. 19659085] Photo: Facebook
A woman from central Okanagan has been appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Deanna Hamilton is one of 99 new members of the order announced Friday.
Hamilton was appointed to the Order as Promoter of First Nations Financial Management and Governance.
The Chief of Westbank First Nation oversaw the development of the First Nations Finance Authority, established the WFN Property Tax System and was a member of the WFN's Self-Government Committee. served on the BC
She has already received the British Columbia Community Achievement Award
. Among current recipients of the Order of Canada, there was a strong First Nations theme, many of which were harsh criticisms of the issue. the Canadian government
Matthew Coon Come was torn from his family when he was a child and placed in a boarding school. He survived the abuse and became an advocate for the rights of Aboriginal peoples throughout his life.
"There is a lot of rhetoric, a lot of confidence that is broken," he told the Canadian Press. Jacobs was one of the first voices to sound the alarm about missing and murdered Aboriginal women.
"I was shocked because I am still so critical of Canada and her government," she said about the honor. Critics include Cindy Blackstock, who has fought Ottawa for more than a decade on the welfare of Aboriginal children. Former Auditor General Sheila Fraser recently reviewed how the RCMP deals with badual harbadment complaints.
"I respect (of course) the price, but that will not prevent me from fighting for my people" Jacobs.
– with files from the Canadian Press
Added contribution –
June 29, 2018 / 2:44 pm | story:

Photo: RCMP
Jordyn Kitchener
Police officers investigate Friday morning what they call the "suspicious death" of a 29-year-old woman from Vernon to West Kelowna. Shortly after 7 am, the police responded to a death report on the 1300 block of Ponderosa Road and found a woman's body in a house in the area
. the details, the police said that the death "appeared suspicious."
Police identified the victim as Jordyn Kitchener of Vernon. It is unusual for the police to disclose the name of the victim so soon after a death, but police say she hopes it will help the investigation.
Megan Foster, West Kelowna RCMP, says she is waiting for an autopsy to determine the cause of death and, at present, the police say the risk to the public is unknown until That she gets more details.
his home in Vernon at 7:00 pm on June 28, "Foster said," The investigators are asking anyone who knew or saw her after that time to contact the police. "
Provide information to the RCMP West Kelowna at 250-768-2880

Photo: Facebook
Pat Noonan stumbled upon a dead turtle painted with crushed carapace in West Kelowna Park
Noonan's Facebook Message was shared with the page of lost and found animals from Kelowna / Okanagan, where members
Speculation bounced between the act being that of vindictive children or simply a large bird of prey dropping the turtle on the rocks to break its shell.
"It's absolutely horrible that somebody can /" It looks like the turtle was brought to the top of the hill and crushed into the park. "
The administrator of the page urged anyone who sees acts of cruelty to an animal to report them to the police and the SPCA.
Billie Miller commented, "I agree with the comments about the birds that do this with turtles, as I saw it myself." However, last weekend, that I was fishing with my son off the pier, I saw three children taking their canes and trying to hit the turtles that were in the water. "
She says that she was talking for stop them. Dan Segert said: "Eagles and other large birds collect turtles and release them to open their shells to eat, so we will not all jump to (conclusions)."
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