Much of eastern Canada remains under the warm and moist air blanket


TORONTO – The Canada Day weekend is over, but the heat and humidity that is spoiling some of the festivities in central and eastern Canada is still lingering a bit.

Environment Canada states that the readings from the index will be the 40 Celsius range extending from southwestern and northeastern Ontario to southern Quebec and the Atlantic region

The meteorological agency says that a "very hot and humid air mbad" has settled in the Maritimes. in Thursday. Maritime temperatures are expected to return to seasonal norms during the weekend.

A hot, humid air mbad is also cut off over southern Quebec, Tuesday's highs should be within 30 degrees with a humidex between 35 and 40 up to Thursday

. Southern Quebec was shaken by violent storms Monday, leaving thousands of homes and businesses without electricity or air conditioning. Most outages occurred in the Outaouais region, in western Quebec, as well as north and northeast of Montreal

Environment Canada stated much of southern Ontario, including Toronto, would remain on heat warning. Tuesday. The extreme heat is expected to abate on Friday with the pbading of a cold front

In western Alberta, however, the problem is rain and a lot of rain.

Monday evening, about 30 millimeters of rain fell in the Jasper region, creating the possibility of flooding in low-lying areas. Environment Canada said 25 to 50 millimeters of rain was expected before falling back on Wednesday morning.

The Canadian Press

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